Coronation Day 2

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"Long live the king! Long live the king!" the people shouted. Shi let out a small smirked knowing that they really didn't mean it. Well some probably but most didn't. He looked around. His mother. His Ge. Everyone...

One figure caught his eyes. Unlike the others who were smiling at him, she was crying. As if she knew what was going on inside him. When their gaze met, she gave him a sorrowful smile. Shi didn't know why but he wanted to go in there and pull her into his arms.

Perhaps he could talk to her after the celebration's over.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Yan Da felt her heart break. She could see behind his mask. The pain he was hiding inside. She remembered what he told her. The things they did to him while he was in here. When her father ordered her to deliver the message for the brothers to come back to the ice palace, she felt hesitant.

She didn't want him to come back to the place that brought him a lot of pain. She thought of taking him away but she knew him. He would do anything to come back for Ka Suo. Yan Da clutched her chest, giving him a sorrowful smile when he met her gaze.

She didn't like it. The coldness in his eyes.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

When the celebration is over, Yan Da excused herself. She told Huang Tuo that she was going to rest but actually left the palace and went to the garden of cherry blossoms.

Caressing her stomach, she let out a deep sigh. Her heart is still unsettled. Ying Kong Shi is treading on a path that's not his own. She fears for him. He's not the kind to be vocal with his problems. He'd rather take it on his own. If he continues like that, Yan Da knew that he would fall apart.

Closing her eyes, she let the cold breeze calm her a bit. Oblivious to the pair of eyes watching her. Shi followed her in there. He heard her excuse and was curious when she didn't go in her room.

He studied her. What caught his eye though was the bracelet on her right wrist. He frowned. A foreign emotion started to sprout from his heart.

Focused on her wrist, he didn't notice that she had already opened her eyes, looking at him in surprise.

Yan Da quickly stood up. Their gaze locked up.

"Your Majesty." She said, bowing, breaking the awkward silence. Shi sauntered forward. Tilting her chin to look at him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Yan Zhu."

"Yan Zhu?" Shi repeated, letting her go. He then went around her, studying her. Stopping when he was in front of her again.

"How come I never heard of you from my brother?"

"..." Yan Da paused at that. How would she know!?

Shi frowned at her silence. "Forget it." He said after a while. He'll just ask his brother later.

The two stayed like that for some time. Yan Da silently contemplating on what to say and Shi was quietly watching the petals fall. He was the one who broke the silence, though.

"A while ago, why were you crying?"

Yan Da bit her lip. "Do you really want my honest answer?"

"Tell me." he ordered facing her.

"You asked for it don't blame if you didn't like it."

Shi frowned but he nodded, urging her to continue.

"It's because his majesty didn't look happy. Even if the people around him were cheering for him, he felt alone. He smiled but deep inside he's breaking."

Shi let out a sad smirk. "You talk as if you knew me so well."

Yan Da met his gaze. "I don't have to. Your eyes say it all." Shi felt his mask crumbled at her words. Slowly tears began to fall from his eyes.

Seeing him cry, Yan Da followed her instincts. She went to him, hugging him tightly. He let her hold him. Even pulling her closer in his arms. For the first time, he felt like he was finally home.

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