Ch 1. Priorities

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I jumped back and silently cursed taxi drivers, my Barnes and Noble shopping bag slipping from my grasp. I had just bought Sarah J. Maas' new Throne of Glass novel, 'Tower of Dawn', and if anything had happened to my brand spanking new hardback, even the Avengers wouldn't be able to stop me from murdering that taxi driver. Luckily for him, it was fine.

It was a chill autumn day, and my (h/c) hair kept blowing in my face. Zipping my jacket up just a bit more, I continued on down the street, surrounded by the honking of car horns and impatient faces of business suits. I had no real plans for the day, just to go around the city and admire beautiful things I couldn't afford, counting down every coin I spent.

It was strange when I saw him. It was like my brain automatically recognised just the shape of him from the blurry corners of my eye, and when I turned, it was indeed him.


The hot blonde guy.

With the hammer.

He was walking down the street, dressed in normal everyday clothes, not his armour and red cape, and I think it was this show of normalcy that made me decide that I would go up to him and demand he take a picture with me. In reality, I went up to him and squeaked.

"Hi.. um.. you're Thor right?" My voice went ridiculously high pitched, the same way it goes when I talk to my teachers at school.

"Yes, Thor, son of Odin. May I help you in any way?" He smiled down at me, and I went a bright red shade of tomato.

"It's just.. well I'm honestly a huge fan of yours.. and.. I was wondering if you'd mind taking a picture with me?" I was actually pretty proud at how steady my voice came out.

"Of course. Do you have one of those devices? What are they? Telephones?"

I smiled. "Yeah, but you can just call it a phone. No one says telephone anymore," I said, as I pulled my iPhone out of my jacket pocket. I opened the home screen and hit the camera app. My hands shook slightly. I was actually about to take a selfie with Thor. THOR!

My palms became a little bit sweaty and twice my phone nearly slipped from my grasp as I leaned in close to his face as he bent down towards me (the guy is pretty damn tall). I took a few quick pictures and then decided that was probably the most I could take without annoying him.

"I still think these things are fascinating," he mumbled, plucking my phone out from my hands. My stomach dropped when he started scrolling through my photos. Those were absolutely NOT for other eyes to see! I let out a small noise of protest and gently tried to reach for my phone back when Thor's head snapped up and a serious expression cut across his face.

'Crap! Did I annoy him?' The thought flashed across my mind, then disappeared like a wisp of smoke when Thor threw his face up to the sky and shouted "Bring me back! NOW!"

A large beam of light in the shape of a tunnel suddenly swooped down from the sky. I couldn't even see where it began. It was white, with mixing colours swirling and dancing along it. People cried out and jumped out of the way, trying to avoid the the lights circumference. Then I realised what was happening. Thor was leaving, going back to Asgard.

With my phone.

I leaped forward l, shouting his name and reached towards him, my fingers snagging on his denim jacket. Then the ground was gone, and I was soaring through the tunnel with him, wondering what the hell I had just done.

I just risked my life for my phone and now I was going to an entirely different planet! For a phone!

I needed to get my priorities sorted out.

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