Ch 3. Odin

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I rolled over in bed, stretching, and hugged the pillow underneath my head. I felt exhausted, and my legs ached. I kept my eyes closed, but I could see the light outside flooding my bedroom. My alarm was set to go off in a few minutes, then I would have to get up and get ready for school. But the alarm never came.

I opened my eyes. Unfamiliar walls surrounded me, large double doors opened out into a balcony, overlooking a now peaceful city and then I remembered. Asgard. By some twisted turn of events I was in Asgard. I vaguely remembered passing out in the street, Heimdall killing those monsters and then picking me up and carrying me. That was all.

I swung my legs out of the bed and threw the blanket off me, relishing in the cool breeze coming in through the window. I looked down at my body and realised someone had changed my clothes. I was wearing an old-fashioned night gown; white with lace at the hem. My own clothes lay on an armchair in the corner of the room, and I padded across the room and changed.

The bedroom itself was gorgeous. The walls were painted white and flowing white curtains blew in the breeze. A soft white rug lay underneath the king sized bed, and the floor was a dark wood. Along the walls were a chest of drawers, a wardrobe and a bookcase. One door led to an en suite, the other out into the hallway.

I stepped out onto the balcony and braced my weight against the stone balustrade. From here, I could see the golden building where I arrived. Looking now, it was more of a giant, hollow orb, with a large shape of sorts pointing outwards from the top. The water seemed to go forever.

I jumped when I hear my bedroom door open and a young girl in a simple light blue, plain dress entered. She carried a tray with food and a glass of water.

"Oh, you're awake! I'll go fetch the doctor, he told me to notify him once you awoke," She gave me a small bow and left, leaving me alone and a little confused. I strode over to the tray the girl had left on a small table beside the armchair and inspected the food.

A clear broth, some bread and a glass of orange juice. Seemed pretty normal to me. I sat down and began to eat, only then realising how hungry I was. The food was gone by the time the doctor arrived.

"Good morning, (y/n). I am Doctor Nir. I'm just going to ensure that you haven't hurt yourself too badly, or that your mind hasn't been pushed to its' limits. You've been asleep for two days,"

I nodded and sat on the bed when he gestured for me to. After a few minutes of answering irrelevant questions and being poked and prodded, Nir told me I was free to roam the palace.

"Wait! What happened? What about the attack?"

"I am not sure how much information I am allowed to divulge, considering you are a stranger of these lands and its people, but rest assured, the immediate problem has been dealt with. You are safe for now," he paused then. "However, there is an issue. I recommend you talk to Odin about it,"

With that he left, not allowing me to ask any more questions. I left the tray on the table and went out into the hall. Nir was already gone. I decided to go left and hope to bump into Thor or Heimdall and ask for directions to Odin's... to wherever Odin was. Going left was a good call, I decided, when I entered what appeared to be a large dining room. It was empty of people, but a large fire roared and crackled in a large fireplace. I moved on.

For a palace, it was relatively quite. I had expected a lot of bustling and people going back and forth doing whatever it was they did. It was probably a result of the attack.. many people died.

I was utterly lost. I wouldn't even be able to find my way back to my room.

As I came to a corner, I slowed. I could hear voices, one of which sounded familiar. Thor.

"Brother, we cannot retaliate now. We must wait. Strategise. Regain our strength. Thor we must wait," He called Thor brother, presumably making it the elusive Loki. I remembered Heimdall saying Loki was nowhere to be found. I wondered where he was.

"We cannot just sit around and let them win!" Thor yelled. I flinched. I'd always hated yelling, it was one of the few things that genuinely made me upset.

"Thor, trust me, I -"

I coughed and walked around the corner, showing myself. Thor looked at me, and I saw him visibly try to cover his emotions, his anger towards Asgards' loss. He was wearing his armour and cape, and Mjölnir was in his hand. He cleared his throat.

"(Y/n), it is good to see you awake and well. May I be of assistance?"

I blushed, not knowing what to say. What could I say? Demand he take me to Odin. Demand he take me home. Offer to help in whatever fight this was. There was nothing to say.

Loki turned around to look at me, and I fought against rising thoughts of his appearance. He was tall and slender, pale skinned and dark haired, dressed in a black leather tunic and pants and a green cloak. He was handsome, but I pushed the thoughts from my mind. I was all too aware that I probably looked like dried old dog crap on the side of the road.

"I.. uh... the doctor told me I should.. uh talk to Odin but I have.. literally no clue where the hell I am,"

The two raised their eyebrows at my choice of words and Loki smirked. I'm guessing women here are probably more proper.

"Here, I'll escort you," Thor offered his arm and I awkwardly took it. "There is an.. issue we need to discuss,"

"That's what Nir said,"

Thor gave me a grim smile and began to lead me away. I glanced at Loki as I passed and he stared right back at me. He followed Thor and I, and we walked in silence, me wishing so much to let go of Thor's arm. Before I knew it we were in a huge throne room, immeasurable in length. At the other end was the entrance, or exit, whichever, to the palace.

An old man sat upon the throne, wearing a sort of white robe and an eye patch over his right eye. He held himself with pride and dignity, and scrubbed a hand over his face as a messenger bearing a letter left.

"Father, I am sorry to disturb you, but (y/n) has awoken. She has yet to be informed of the situation."

I glanced at Thor, completely unsure of how to behave.

"Step forward, child," Odin commanded. How someone can command in such a gentle tone is beyond me. I did as I was told, and decided to bow my head in respect. I hoped it was enough.

"Thor tells me he does not know how you came to Asgard. That when Heimdall called on him, you were brought along with him. How is this so?"

I cleared my throats and spoke in a steady voice. "I had seen Thor passing on the street, so I decided to ask if I could possibly get my picture taken with him. He had my phone in his hand when... when he was called on. I tried to get my phone back before he left when I accidentally went through.. whatever it was that we went through," Odin glanced and Thor, and the turned his attention back to me.

"You have met Heimdall, yes?" I nodded. "You see, Heimdall is our watcher, he guards us and watches the Nine Realms, and has control over who comes and goes here. He uses a particular sword to do this. You saw it?" I nodded again. "That sword is the key to opening and closing our portals, and Heimdall is best suited to this task for his eyes see everything," He paused for a moment. A bad feeling washed down over my spine, and I curled my hands into fists at my sides.

"The problem is, (y/n), is that Heimdall has been missing since the attack two days ago, the sword with him. We cannot send you home, as much as we would like to and as much as I'm sure you want to. I'm sorry, but for the time being you are trapped here.

"The room you woke up in shall be your chambers for the duration of your stay, for however long that shall be. You are free to roam the palace, and are welcome to join us for meals every day. If you'll excuse me, I am terribly busy."

I stood frozen to the spot. I couldn't go home. I was trapped here on a foreign planet with no way to go home. I couldn't move, and I felt Thor's fingers wrap around my arms as he turned me around and guided me away. I saw pity in Odins' remaining eye, and in Thors'. I blindly followed Thor back to my room, taking no notice of Loki as we left.

I was in shock. I was trapped.

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