Ch.11 Green Dresses and Red Cheeks pt.2

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Loki P.O.V

I had tried to warn her, truly I had. I had told her the champagne was unusually strong, but the damn girl didn't listen and downed three in the space of an hour. Watching her, I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. Beautiful, really. She had a bright laugh, and any nervousness that was there before we opened the double doors to the celebrations had dissipated like smoke after she drank. I wasn't complaining, it was nice to see her not so wound up like she usually is, but it left me with the responsibility of babysitting her.

She was sitting in a chair beside me, leaning heavily on my left shoulder, her words slurring together slightly. I couldn't understand anything that came out of her mouth.

"(Y/N), I cannot understand anything of what you're saying. Please, for the love of all that's good in the realms, speak clearer." I looked down at her and was a bit surprised to find her gazing up at me with bright, intoxicated eyes.

"I dunt want to guh home, Loki. I wanna stay here," she wrapped her arm behind my back and pressed her face against my own arm. Surprised by her words, I put my fingers under her chin and tipped her face upwards.

"Are you serious, or are you just spurting words around the place?" I could feel hope building in my chest, even if I didn't understand why. She was only a Midgardian, not anyone of any importance.

"It's truh Loki, I want tuh stay. Here is just so much... better than home. There's nuthin' fer me there!" Her voice had a slight whine to it, and I held back a smile. I stood from the chair and helped to pull her to her feet, where she held onto my black suit jacket.

"Will you dance with me, (y/n)?" She looked up at me with her (e/c) eyes and beamed, nodding her head and letting me lead her a bit closer to the dance floor. Unstable on her feet, (y/n) followed behind me, grabbing onto my hand. I turned around and placed my hands on her hips, pulling her closer, but leaving a respectable amount of distance between us.

Her hands reached up towards my neck, and she leaned her body towards me. The music had slowed down, allowing for the evening to come to a slow, gradual end. It wouldn't be long before I'd have to bring (y/n) back to her room. I swayed her gently to the music, careful not to let her fall. She smiled at me often, making my heart contract with feelings I didn't want to face. The lights reflected off the moon amulet I had given her our first day into the city together, and thought back to the day I had bought it. She had been so intrigued by everything she saw, her eyes lighting up when she saw something new. The same brightness shone in her eyes every time we made eye contact, but that was only the drink. I didn't hold any hope she would have feelings for me.

The music eventually drew to a close and the remaining party-goers finished their conversations and said their goodbyes. (Y/n)'s grip around my neck became tighter and she rested her head against my shoulder. I heard her mumbling, but even after tilting my head closer to hers, I still couldn't understand what she was saying.

I reached up and gently pried her hands away from around my neck. "Hey, I'm going to bring you back to your room now. (Y/n)? Are you awake?" I got a small grunt in return. She certainly was a sleepy drunk. I smiled and placed my hand on the small of her back, keeping her balanced and guided her towards the door. When they shut behind us, I leaned down and scooped her up - one arm across her back, the other under her knees. Her green dress rustled as she squirmed in my arms.

"Loki, puht me down!" I just tightened my grip on her and kept walking. My heart was beating quickly, and I dreaded the moment we reached her room and I'd leave her to sleep.

But all good things come to an end, and I soon found myself awkwardly opening the door to her room and awkwardly laying her on her bed. I tugged off her heels, and pulled the covers around her, leaving her to sleep in her dress. Small snores came from her almost immediately and I smiled once again. It seemed lately that I smiled a lot when I was with her.

I hoped she was telling the truth when she said she didn't want to go home. I was sure that my father wouldn't mind if she stayed. I brushed a few strands of her hair from her face, and bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Sweet dreams, (y/n)," I whispered, silently padding back across her room, quietly closing the door with a soft click.


Sorry that this took so long and sorry that this is so crap, it's also really short 😂 Hope you enjoyed though, and if you liked it then let me know in the comments! Or you can tell me what could be better! I'd love to know what you think.

Have a great day/night,
M x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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