Ch 7. Horrible; Beautiful

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The next morning, Roa returned with two of the seven outfits I had chosen yesterday, one of which was the one similar to that of Loki's. I decided I wouldn't wear that particular one today. I thanked Roa as she left, and pulled on the other outfit.

A fitted, sleeveless leather tunic, the red so dark it looked black, that reached the tops of my thighs, and tight leather pants to match. They were surprisingly easy to move in. Roa had also brought up a pair of black boots, and I sat on the bed as I did the laces. Looking in the mirror, I looked pretty badass.

The only issue was I hadn't washed since I got here, and this was my fifth day. I wrinkled my nose, I didn't smell, but I still felt dirty. A few minutes later, a servant knocked on the door, informing me that she had breakfast prepared for me. I let her in, and she placed the tray on the table.

"Sorry, but I was wondering if you'd be able to help me run a bath," I asked. I felt stupid having to ask for help for something as simple as that, but, honestly, I didn't know how. "I don't know where to get the hot water from.."

She smiled gently at me. "Of course, miss. However, we have hot and cold taps, similar to yours on Midgard. The water comes from the natural springs found across Asgards' plains. Some are naturally heated while others are cool," I could feel my face burning. Now I felt extremely dim.

"Oh! Uh, thanks.. I guess I'll be able to myself then," I gave her a small smile, which she returned.

"My name is Ofelia, by the way. In case you were wondering. I'll go get you some hygiene products, I'll just be a moment," She left my room, and I waited, praying to god she'd bring me a hairbrush. Shampoo and conditioner, I would kill for those. She returned a few moments later, a bundle in her arms.

"This should suffice, but if you need anything, I'll be close by, so you should ring this bell. Friga has assigned me to be your personal servant while you're here, but I do have other duties to attend to also."

"Thank you, Ofelia, you're sweet," she smiled at my thanks, bowed her head and left. I turned to the pile on the bed. Two large, soft towels, one smaller one, shampoo and conditioner (hallelujah), a hairbrush, a natural body scrub, a jug and a razor. Not too shabby.

I walked into the bathroom, and kicked myself for not noticing the two taps on the bath beforehand. I plugged the drain and let the hot water run.


The hot water was amazing, though lacking bubbles, but I could live with that. I had spent almost an hour in it, relishing the warmth and the feeling of being clean. I ducked my under the water, blocking out the already quiet noises.

Which is why I didn't hear him. The door burst open, and I gasped, inhaling a large mouthful of water. Instinct took over and I shot up, choking. Panic washed over me as I fought to breathe, but there was still water in my lungs.

Loki lunged forward, held one of my bare shoulders and walloped me on the back several times, bringing the water back up in burning streams. I gasped down lungfuls of air, easing the pain and the distress.

"(Y/n)! Are you alright?! I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were bathing," Loki's voice was urgent. I curled my legs up to my chest, trying my best to cover myself.

"Get out! For christ's sake Loki GO!" I wheezed. Loki stood and swiftly made for the door, then the idiot turned around again.

"Do you need any-"


He slipped out the door and I heard it click shut. I leapt from the bathtub and pulled the plug, allowing the water to glug down the drain. I dried off in a hurry, in case Loki decided to come in unannounced again. I reached for the pile of clothes resting on the sink, and got dressed quickly. I left the bathroom, feeling my entire body burn from embarrassment when I saw Loki sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What the hell was that? Ever heard of knocking?"

"You were late," I paused, realising that I had forgotten Loki's offer to take me to the library today. "I came to find you and you weren't in here so I, of course, decided to check the bathroom. I got a lot more than I bargained for."

I blushed scarlet at his comment, but refrained from making my own. I was too overwhelmed by shock. He stood up from the bed, his tall frame looming over me. I cleared my throat and looked towards the door.

"Shall we go then?"


We walked down large, golden corridors, one after the other, as Loki led me to the library. I didn't know what to expect of it. It was a royal library, so it was going to be big anyway, that's all I knew.

"So what's a prince of Asgard doing escorting a 'mere Midgardian' to the library? I would have thought you'd be busy doing... stuff? Things?"

"Stuff and things? Elaborate language," he commented, glancing at me sideways. I scowled.

"Whatever, so," We continued to walk in silence until we reached a large set of double doors, which Loki pushed open. They must have been heavy, judging from the veins in his neck as he pushed. I stepped past, my awe probably written across my face as plain as day.

It was like the library from Beauty and the Beast, but infinitely more beautiful. The shelves were made from dark wood, with moveable ladders along the faces. These were lined along the walls of the room, which was the height of a two story building and smaller shelves were scattered across the room in organised chaos.

Loki smirked at the look on my face as I stepped further into the room, the smell of worn, yellow pages wafting up my nose and filling my lungs with bliss. Heaven.

"How many books are here?"

"I don't know, I never bothered to count," I glared at him, still annoyed that he had seen me naked and almost caused me to drown. Those were definitely good reasons to be annoyed right? I ignored his comment though and walked up to the nearest bookshelf, raising my right hand and letting my fingers hover over the sounds of the rows and rows of books.

They weren't like the ones back home, they were old, probably containing history of some sort of Asgard. I was beginning to doubt that the library had any (f/genre) books, which I loved.

I easily spent twenty minutes simply walking and exploring the library, which also had glass cases containing beautiful, ancient artifacts. I had completely forgotten about Loki, and I gave a small jump when he coughed behind me.

"I don't have much time, mortal, so hurry up and choose some books already," I looked up at him, slightly peeved. "Not to be rude." Oh, how the sarcasm dropped from his lips, making me want to punch him.

"Right, ok,"


By the time we got back to my room, Loki had to help me carry back most of my books. I had chosen around fifteen of them, none of them you'd find on Midgard... Earth. I meant Earth. I'd have to ask about Heimdall later this evening at dinner. I had been too afraid to ask beforehand.

Loki dumped the books on my bed, said his goodbyes and turned to leave. I shouted a 'thank you' after as he left. I got a nothing in reply. A horrible attitude for a beautiful face. I began sliding the books onto the empty bookshelf. They looked sad on the shelves, alone, like a small huddle of penguins trying to keep warm in the blizzard but without the cuteness. I grabbed one and threw myself onto the bed, flipping open the pages and began to read. After a few minutes, my eyelids began to droop, and despite several war-medal-deserving attempts to keep them open, sleep eventually claimed me.


Dinner passed quietly that evening. I asked about Heimdall. Odin looked into my (e/y) eyes with his single one and told me there had been no further discoveries about Heimdall's whereabouts. I didn't sleep well that night.

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