Ch 10. Better than Fine

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*-* marks the beginning and ending of a flashback, italics don't work in the app :/
Enjoy :)


Morning sunlight streamed in through the thin curtains covering the balcony doors. Scrunching up my face, I yanked my blanket higher up over my head. My hand slipped, and I effectively punched myself in the face.

I heard a snort of laughter from the door and my stomach squeezed with the fright. I bolted upright in bed with wide eyes, to see Loki standing by my bedroom door holding a pile of clothes. The knot in my stomach released, only to tie itself up into another tangle at the memory of the conversation I had with Odin the night before.


I sat quietly in the leather seat, my mind racing a mile a minute. Odin sat watching

"I don't expect you to act on this, (y/n), all I ask is that you don't hurt him. For all our sakes."

Well, that wasn't terrifying at all. 'Oh, my son has feelings for you, but don't hurt him because he could go nuts and KILL ALL NINE FUCKING REALMS!' What was I even supposed to do with this information? All it'll do is make me awkward and even more embarrassed around Loki!

I nodded unsurely, waiting for Odin to dismiss me. But he just kept sitting there staring at me. My palms became extra clammy and I rubbed them on my thighs, hoping to make it look more like an uncomfortable gesture rather than the fact that I was wiping sweat onto my pants.

He blinked as if remembering where he was. "I'm sorry, (y/n), I didn't mean to keep you so long," he gave me a smile and stood, and I followed suit. We said our goodbyes, and the words he said to me as I stepped out the door caused a whirlwind of emotions I couldn't possibly understand to flood through me..

"You'd be good for him, you know,"

I closed the door and walked away.


"What is your PROBLEM with NOT knocking on doors?!" I shouted. "You gave me a heart attack!" Loki smiled at me, one side of his mouth going up before the other. He placed the pile of clothes carefully onto the bed.

"Roa sent these. She said the rest will be finished in a few days. Now get up. I'm bringing you into the city," My heart leapt at the thought of finally being able to see Asgard, while my mind recoiled at having to spend the day with Loki. Sure, he was pretty hot and all, but I wasn't sure about.. well anything about him.

I sighed. "Fine, alright. Just let me get ready. I don't just wake up fabulous, you know," He smirked at my comment and nodded, plonking himself into the armchair.

"Then get ready." I grabbed the clothes on the end of the bed. I cringed when I saw what they were. Three of them were the dresses Friga had me pick out. The other - my only option - was the tunic and pants that looked like a copy of Loki's armour. I fought back the redness I could feel beginning to bloom on my cheeks and hopped into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

Of course I'd have to wear practically the same clothes as Loki, and especially right after the bomb Odin dropped on me last night. I sighed, stepping into the leather pants and enacting a hop, jump and wiggle to get them up. I splashed my face with water, brushed my eyebrows into place and left.

Loki smirked at me, his eyes traveling up and down my body. Amusement shone in his eyes.

"Nice colour scheme. What's your inspiration?" I gave a small smile, glad that he hadn't reacted too dramatically. I grabbed my hair tie and began to pull my hair into a ponytail, pushing the bits that fell at the sides of my face behind my ears. He frowned at my silence.

"Green suits you," he said, his voice just a smidge quieter than before. My face burned, and looking in the mirror, I could see it wasn't exactly a subtle shade of red either.

"Thanks," I muttered through gritted teeth as I tucked my chin down while fixing the top of my hair.

"Come on, let's go. You look fine," I sighed and turned to go, to find Loki's eyes glued to mine. "Better than fine," he said, and turned and left, not bothering to wait for me. I pinched myself for letting myself feel happy at the compliment. But then again, it's not every day when a god compliments you.


The city was amazing. The smell of exotic spices and cooking meat wafted through the streets, bringing my nose to heaven. Stalls were lined up alongside each other, selling clothing, jewelry and artwork of various styles. Shouts and laughter filled the streets, and an almost festive atmosphere brought the city to life with miniature paper lanterns hung on string and street performers.

I stopped to admire nearly each and every stall, taking my time and drinking it all in. Loki never complained, waiting patiently for me to move on each time. I don't think he realised how I noticed all his quick, short glances at me. I wouldn't have noticed if not for Odin. He was subtle, I'd give him that.

We spent hours just roaming the city, when Loki took hold of my arm and leaned in close to talk loudly into my ear, "I know the most amazing restaurant. Come on, I'll show you. You'll love it," His smile lit up his face and I couldn't help but grin back at him. This was the best day I'd had in years, dedicated to leisurely walking and admiring beautiful things.

I nodded enthusiastically and told him to 'hurry up and show me so', and he pulled me along behind him.


Strolling back towards the palace later that evening, I relished in the feeling of a full stomach after one of the most delicious meals I had ever eaten. Loki was right, the restaurant was amazing. We had sat there for an hour and half, barely talking but comfortable in our silence.

I was exhausted by then, but the good kind of exhausted, when your body knows that you've burned off your energy for the day but sleep is near. Though I was glad to be going back to my room, I couldn't help but feel disappointed when we reached the palace. The day was over.

I glanced behind me one more time, admiring the way the stars shone, so much brighter and bolder than on earth. The dark blue and purples of the sky looked like a watercolour painting. I sighed and turned back for the last time.

Loki escorted me back to my room, a little bit more formal than he had been with me earlier. I smiled up at him.

"Thanks for today, Loki. That was...". I searched for words. "That was probably the best day I've ever had. Asgard's amazing," I could feel my face going pink.

"Anytime you feel like going back out, all you have to do is ask," he replied, leaning down towards me. My heart stopped and my throat constricted. Was he going to kiss me? I was completely frozen when he kissed my cheek instead, but both disappointment and relief washed over me. He gave me a small smile, and pressed something into my hand, before turning around and walking back the way he came.

I looked down. A white box sat in my palm. When I opened it, a beam spread across my face. It was the necklace I had been admiring earlier. Made of silver, it was the outline of a crescent moon hanging on a delicate chain.

I opened the door to my room and set the box on top of my dresser. Changing into my pyjamas, I put the necklace on and climbed into bed.

I was still smiling at his compliment this morning, foolish as that was.

Better than fine.

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