Ch 2. A Tunnel of Seasickness

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The tunnel was cold, and a chilly breeze rushed against me as I flew upwards. Thor didn't even notice the (y/h) tall girl hanging off the back of his jacket.

Spinning lights and the fast upward movement meant that my stomach had been shoved up into my throat, and I felt I was going to vomit, pass out and then throw up again. Whatever this tunnel was called, I now renamed it 'The Tunnel of Seasickness'.

The passage of time was off-kilter there, it went both fast and slow, always just about to end and never-ending. All I wanted was to get off.

And then the spinning lights were gone, and we were in a round, golden room, and in the centre stood a man in armour. The tunnel behind us sealed shut, blocking the way back home, when the armoured man pulled a large, beautiful sword from basically a giant ass keyhole in the floor. My descriptions of things weren't ever exactly eloquent..

"Thor," the man said, "Asgard is under attack from frost giants, and your brother is nowhere to be seen. We need you,"

"Come with me, I'll need your assistance,"

The two men turned to run, when the man in the armour, still wielding the large sword stopped in his tracks, catching Thor's attention.

"It seems we have a visitor," his voice was low, and seemed to rumble in his chest as he spoke. As he slowly turned around to face me, fear began to take root in the pit of my stomach and grow, adding to the already unbearable sickness I felt from the tunnel.

"Who are you?" He asked, more like demanded. I trembled, my mouth drying up and my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth.

"I.. my name is (y/n).. I was... Thor.. he..." I stammered. Thor grabbed the other mans arm and began to pull him away.

"We don't have time Heimdall, she is a Midgardian, and means no harm. (Y/n), come with us, it is not safe for you to stay here by yourself. Come quickly, we don't have much time." The man, Heimdall, gave me one last glance, then turned, obviously dismissing me as a threat. Which, of course, I wasn't. It was, however, the time in which my body decided it couldn't hold in the contents of my stomach any longer and I whirled around and vomited, narrowly missing my feet.

I cringed, embarrassed, and turned and stumbled after Thor and Heimdall. The sight before was enough to stop me in my tracks.

A long, narrow bridge filled with colours connected the building I was in to a large, beautiful city across a large expanse of water. Though the bridge was beautiful, it did remind me a bit of the rainbow road from Mario Bros. In the centre of the city stood a tall building, presumably a palace, which resembled the pipes of an organ. It was made of a shiny golden metal, which reflected the rosy light of the setting sun. All around this palace were beautifully constructed homes and town houses, made of stone similar to sandstone but ten times more beautiful.

And from the city came screams of pain and anguish. Fires blazed and roared, but none of the buildings seemed to burn.

"Heimdall! You take the girl, get her to the palace and make sure she stays safe. I must make sure my family is safe, then fight!" Thor raised his right hand as he ran, and then a large, heavy looking hammer flew towards him, landing safely into his plan. Mjölnir. I stared, trying to make out the intricate carvings on its edges but then he was gone, flying across the bridge faster than my human eyes could follow.

"Miss, I need to bring you to safety, but we need to hurry!" Heimdall ran back to me, placing his hand on my back to encourage me to move forward. My legs were reluctant to move, but I tried. "That's it, come now,"

I stumbled across the bridge, which, like The Tunnel of Seasickness, seemed to never end. We reached the other side eventually, and made our way through beautifully narrow stone streets, Heimdall cutting down monsters that my mind could have not conjured up alone.

They were tall and slender beings, humanoid in shape, but with blue skin and too sharp features. Their limbs were too long, too spindly, and dark blue war paint decorated their eyes and foreheads. They fought with a strong swiftness, but Heimdall never failed to bring them down, saving me and several families along the way.

After a while of jogging, I need to stop. The sickness had hit again, and I doubled over, hurling up my guts. I took a deep breath and turned, seeing Heimdall waiting patiently for me. Blackness began to spread across the corners of my eyes and my legs began to buckle. My ears rang, my vision went completely black and I distantly felt myself collapse. I heard someone call my name, and then there were hands under my knees and across my back. I faintly felt the sensation of being lifted, and the rocking of Heimdall running, before the rest of my senses disappeared.

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