Ch 6. The Balcony

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I did as Friga told me to, and spent two or so hours roaming the palace. Most of this time I spent in a gallery filled with paintings. I didn't look at everything though, I decided that if I was forced to stay here for much longer, I may as well leave some artwork to enjoy later.

I navigated my way back to my rooms to splash my face with water in the wash basin before dinner, to try and take away some of the shine from my forehead. Someone had brought in a large mirror while I was gone, probably courtesy of Friga, and placed it upon the chest of drawers. I leaned towards it, examining my face.

My face looked tired and drawn, and I would have traded my soul for some concealer at that moment. I ran my fingers through my hair, it was kind of knotty in places and I didn't have a brush, or a bobble to tie it up with. I should ask Friga about going into town for such things. A knock sounded at the door and I walked over and opened it. It was Thor.

"Dinner should be ready in a few minutes, miss, if you'd like me to escort you?" I smiled. It was strange, thinking that this was the same man I had asked to take a picture with. That seemed like eons ago, like it happened to two different people.

"Of course, but seriously, you don't have to call me miss. (Y/n) is just fine!" I smiled at him and stepped out the door. I started to walk, purposely in front, so that he wouldn't have to offer me his arm.

"If you insist, (y/n). Which reminds me, I forgot to return this to you," he said, and pulled my phone from some hidden pocket in his outfit. I grinned and pressed the home button, opening it. Somehow, I had completely forgotten about its existence. I wasn't surprised however, to see I had absolutely no signal and the battery was nearing the afterlife.

"Thanks Thor, I'd forgotten about it," I grinned up at him and he smiled back, a bit more familiar now, rather than his usual formal self. "So what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Whatever the cooks decide to make, it is their choice. But there is always a lot to choose from,"


Dinner passed similar to the one the night before, filled with laughter and inside jokes. Friga smiled warmly at me when I entered with Thor and gestured for me to sit closer to her. I gulped, afraid to sit away from Thor, but decided to do as asked. We talked some more, about the both of us, when she asked if I had any hobbies.

"Is there anything you like to do, dear? Something to keep you entertained while you stay?" Silence fell across the table as they awaited my answer, while Loki seemed to simply ignore what was going on.

I racked my brain for things that I enjoyed. I didn't work well when put on the spot, all that my brain would let me think was that I liked eating.

"Well... um, I like reading. I read a lot back home. I love music, and drawing... I guess I never really had much time back home to figure out what I liked. I was busy a lot. Stuff to do and whatnot," I spoke in a quiet voice, shy of the attention that was on me.

"We have a large library here if you'd like to visit it tomorrow. I'd show you myself but I'm afraid I'll be busy, but I'm sure Thor or Loki will be happy to escort you," I smiled at Friga gratefully, and conversations picked up around the table again. Odin watched carefully, not in a threatening manner, just as if he was trying to figure me out.

I ducked my head and continued eating. We had roast lamb with vegetables and a strange sauce that was to die for. All the food here was divine.

Like the night before, Loki offered to walk me back to my room. We reached my door, and when I turned around to say thank you and goodnight, he simply asked: can I come in?

"Sure, yeah, of course," I said awkwardly. I opened the door and stepped inside, again admiring the soft glow of the candles. The balcony doors were still open, the curtains shifting in the gentle breeze. "Want to step outside? I've been stuck indoors all day,"

He gave a small bob of his head in answer and stalked past me out the balcony doors leaning against a pillar connected to the balustrade. I followed, stopping beside him. I had no idea what to say, if there even was anything to say, but I couldn't bear the silence.

"This place is.. beautiful. Everything is amazing,"

"And yet you want nothing more than to go home. Return to the Midgard. Why?"

I floundered for words, before asking myself 'why DO I want to go back?' There wasn't much to go back to. No family. No friends. Two low paying part time jobs with a crappy, perverted bosses. No money and a dumpy apartment. Hell, I only had an iPhone because I won the damn thing! And that was three years ago.

"I don't know, Loki. It's hard trying to survive there, people are ruthless, especially in the city. I have nothing to go back to," I was shocked at what I said, how much I had told him, even if it wasn't the details. "Here, obviously, is so much better but... that was my home. Even if the only person who's going to notice I'm gone is my landlord, I still think it's home,"

Loki stayed silent for a moment, thinking his words through. I began to think he wouldn't reply, when he licked his lips and spoke.

"Being alone is hard for everyone. No matter their background. It's what you do with your life that counts. Me - even surrounded by family, even though I know Thor loves me even after everything I did, I still understand what you mean, about being alone, even though we're living completely different lives with little in common."

I looked up at him. He was gazing upwards towards the setting sun, and I admired his profile. I looked away after a moment, embarrassed because I knew he knew I was staring.

"I can escort you to the library tomorrow if you'd like? If you still plan on going? Or if someone else offered?"

I shake my head. "No, no one else has. And I'd like that, if you're not busy..." I went beet red. The Loki I had heard of was cruel and cunning, but this Loki - this Loki was nothing like that. I mentally bitch slapped myself. This Loki was the same Loki. He was just hiding it.

He gave me a small smile. "I'll come at noon then," he said, then turned and left, leaving me out on the balcony alone.

He was charming, I'd give him that. But I knew I couldn't trust him, I didn't know who to trust, but it certainly wasn't him.

A Date with Mischief (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now