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"Talking shit behind my back / It was all a dream" 


I sat in the bed with Ellie, waiting for Elijah to come back. It was a Saturday and we were supposed to be going to the park. He promised he'd be back by 10AM and its 10:45. We might as well not even go at this point because it's the dogs' turn to use the park. Who does he think about to be stepping in shit?

Ellie was slowing falling asleep next to me. Every day she looked more and more like Elijah. She was the only reason he'd turned down acting gigs and cameos. He just wanted to see his daughter smile and he didn't want to miss a minute of it. I remember when he first told me that he'd never leave my side and he didn't.

Elijah was 5 years older than I am. When my dad kicked me out, I came to him. At first we were just acquaintances. I had always thought of him as my bestfriend's brother, nothing more. But I did have a small crush on him when we were growing up. It started when I was 10 and he was in high school then.

He'd made me laugh, used to get jealous when I saw him with his girl, and I fell in love with him over the years. It wasn't until just before Christmas 4 years ago, that I'd confessed to him. All his fans think I'm with him for the money but I'm not. I'm in love with him and I want more kids with him.

Elijah walked in, it now being 11AM. I rolled my eyes and turned the channel to BET. Dreamgirls was beginning to show on the TV. I didn't really care for that, I just wanted to know what had him gone so long that he just couldn't come back in time to take our daughter to the park.

"Where you been?" I asked, getting out of the bed. Pulling my dress down, I crossed my arms. Elijah chuckled at me, thinking I was funny. He knew I was mad, so he tried to make it worse.

"You're a mess." He continued to chuckle like it was nothing to it. I was really trying to keep it together, but he was laughing at me. I snapped and went into the living room.

After 2 hours, Elijah came walking into the living room. By this time, China had already came out of her room and was watching TV with me. My eyes were getting heavy and I was trying to stay woke.

He came and picked me up, carrying me back to the room. Ellie wasn't in the bed anymore and the TV was off. I was slowly starting to close my eyes after Elijah turned the light off. I felt him kiss my neck, causing me to open my eyes.

"Get off of me, since I'm such a joke to you." I heard him smack his lips and I closed my eyes. He thought I was just going to forget about earlier. No, it wasn't that easy.

I turned around, closing my eyes. Elijah's hands wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. "Elijah, let me the fuck go."

He kissed my lips, my neck, and my forehead. Then he took my leg and threw in over his body. Elijah knew just how to be slick, but I paid him no mind. I was tired so I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around him.

The Next Day

I opened my eyes, rubbing an empty side of the bed. Elijah wasn't next to me, as usual. I sat up and looked around and there were no clothes on the floor. When I got out of bed, I walked straight to Ellie's room and she wasn't in there. "Elijah!" I yelled for him and no one answered.

He'd never just left without me before. I went into the bathroom, across from Ellie's bedroom, to brush my teeth and wash my face. I ended up only brushing my teeth, before I heard China voice at the door. "Leo, can we talk please?" When I opened the door, she was standing there in her onesie.

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