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I sat at the end of my bed, waiting for Algee. We were supposed to be going to Elijah and Leo's wedding today. It had to be 5AM, we need to be gone by 5:15 and I was the maid of honor. We're going to be late if we didn't leave in a few minutes. He's acting like were going out to eat or something, when we were going to a wedding.

My brother and my bestfriend is getting married, 4 years they'd been together and now they're getting married. I couldn't be more proud for them as I am now. It was gonna be beautiful. "I'm about to leave you, you taking too long."

Algee came out of the bathroom in a tux. "How I look?" I stared at him, looking over his tux. Why did he look like he was about to get married? Nobody would know that Elijah would be the groom, because Algee was dressed like Leo was marrying him. I was a bit pressed, but kept that to myself.

"I mean, you look aight, it ain't your best look." He stared at me, while fixing his bow tie. Of course I wasn't serious, he knew he looked good.

"Come help ya man with his tie girl." I got up from the bed and walked over to him, he was on his phone doing whatever. As soon as I touched his tie, he smiled before he started talk.

"I know y'all ain't had one in a minute, but babygirl been on my ass about this phone. But um, favor peace and blessings ova ya wholeee day!" When I turned to look at the camera, the video stopped.

He had to record while I was in the video. Not that I looked a mess or anything, it was just that I was still getting ready for the wedding. He didn't have to wear makeup, jewelry, a dress or anything like that. All he had to do was put on a damn suit.

"Why you had to record me, I look a mess." He chuckled, thinking I was being funny. I sat down on the bed, like I didn't have to leave in a minute. Algee was on his phone the whole time, constantly smiling, he never looked up and answered me.

"Algee. ALgEEE!" He looked up at me, then I felt my phone vibrate on the bed. I picked it up and unlocked it, seeing the Instagram notification from when Algee posts. After I clicked on it, I saw a picture of me. It was an old picture that his friend took of me 2 years ago.

I smiled at Algee and liked the picture. His little caption was cute, too. itsalgee Your my kind of beautiful I loved him so much and he didn't even have to post the picture.

Soon I was gonna be late if I ain't get outta this damn house. Leo probably looking for me so I could help her get dress. My late ass here with my fiancé while time is passing by. "Baby I gotta go."

Algee motioned for me to come here. "Gimme a kiss before you leave." I scoffed, looking at him confused. He knows I'm about to say some smart shit. Why he couldn't just meet me at the door for a kiss?

"Gimme got shot." I grabbed my phone and then my keys off of the bedside table. Before I could get to the door, Algee grabbed me from behind. I turned around and he pinned me up to the wall.

All I could do was stare at him. He stared back into my eyes, a smirk slowly forming on his face. "I can't wait to marry you baby. I love you so much babygirl." Then he kissed my lips, before he let me walk out of the house, him following behind me.

"We should be getting married today." He kept on talking, as we walked to the car together. I was supposed to be dropped off at Leo and Elijah's house. That's where all of the bridesmaids were getting dressed at.

"I know baby." He opened the door for me and I got in. Then he closed the door and walked around to get in. The whole ride I listened to him sing one of his songs from the Listen EP. I didn't say not one word, just let him sing on.

Right My Wrongs / BLKBYJY { DISCONTINUED }Where stories live. Discover now