Chapter 11

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A.N.: This chapter starts off in first person then goes into third person p.o.v.; a little side-note just in case someone gets confused as to why the p.o.v. changed.


"There's only so far a man can walk," Noctis sighs tiredly as we slow our jogging to a walk. It was clear that we were all tired of all this walking and running, and it's no doubt that we were all eager to sit in a car and drive again.

"Our Crown City upbringing didn't prepare us for this," Prompto says.

"Its not like any of us knew that the car was gonna break down," I pant softly.

"Pretend you're walking to the car," Ignis suggested, trying to quiet our whinning.

I would, I thought, if the car wasn't a mile away. Prompto sighs happily as he skips up ahead.

"Can't wait to sit in that beautiful car again," he says. "We really oughta thank Cindy for helping us out."

"No kidding," Noctis agrees.

"Maybe you could give her our thanks when we get back," I said with a grin at Prompto. "I'm sure she would appreciate it a lot."

Prompto's cheeks grew faintly pink at the thought, then began rambling on quietly to himself. I chuckled when another loud ringing stopped me in my tracks, as well as feeling vibrations from my back pocket. Noctis automatically pulled out his phone, but looked a bit surprised when he realized it wasn't his phone. I reached behind me and pulled out my phone to see who it was calling me, but furrowed my brows when it displayed an unknown number on the screen.

"Someone you know?" Gladio asked me. I shook my head and hit 'Answer' on my phone, bringing it to my ear. I wonder who it is, I thought to myself.

"Hello?" I said.

"Yo, Raya! How're ya doing, babe?" a mischievous but friendly voice answers back. My eyes widened slightly at the all-too-familiar voice.


"The one and only!" Niko confirms, a smirk evident in his voice. "Did you miss me?" I chuckled with an amused smile.

"Hardly," I said.

"Aww, why do have to be so mean, babe?" he whimpers. "I've thought about you all the time!"

"Yeesh, I don't know if I should be creeped out or flattered."

"Flattered, honey. You know I'm head-over-heels for you!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Niko," I rolled my eyes with a sigh. "Now is there a reason why you called?" I asked as I turned to the guys and motioned for them to keep walking.

"Not exactly, just missed talking to you is all," Niko says, laying off on the pick-up lines and speaking rather seriously. "It has been three years since we last saw each other."

"Three years, huh?" I sighed.

"And you promised me you'd call before you left for Altissia," he added.

"Oh yeah, I did, didn't I?" I say sheepishly as I rub the back of my neck. I hear him whimper again childishly on the other end.

"My dearest Raya, forgetting to call her loving boyfriend!" I rolled my eyes, trying to surpress my smile. Yeah right, boyfriend, I thought to myself.

"Sorry, but I had training with Cor in the morning before we left. After that, I was busy getting ready."

"Ah, good 'ole Cor the Immortal," Niko chuckles. "D'you get your ass handed to you?"

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