As mentioned previously in a chapter during my 13 months while in state custody under the Department of Juvenile Justice. I recall a time where we went to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. Actually the same meeting I recently went to when I made the decision to attend the 28 day program (will review chapters and include exact chapter.) If you've followed this book closely it was the instance when I left early due to a staff member's attitude and inconsiderate attitude towards not only me but several clients. When I attended this meeting while I was state property as a juvenile. I had no interest in it really whatsoever, I was just there because I had to be. While attending it while at Park Place, of course I payed attention I even ran into a girl I worked with at Fazolis while in the group home as a child.
It's strange the people you meet back up with in the same city Bowling Green. She wasn't in the program that I'm aware of at that time which was around 2005. And 12 years later there she is in a recovery meeting. Which clearly says addiction obviously effects all walks of life.
I will clearly say this I don't believe AA/NA Etc. Is the only way an individual can manage to get/ stay clean? I believe surrounding yourself with positive people is a must, but in my eyes doesn't mean you have to attend 3-4 meetings a day. In all reality most people have other priorities such as work, family and life in general. But I do believe its fact that "If you lay with dogs you'll get fleas". Or in other words if you're hanging with people in active addiction well hmmm.... Me personally at least I'm going to be high.
Support systems as I said aren't strictly limited to AA/NA and aren't the only way a person can manage to live a sober/drug free and productive life. My honest opinion is I've been to no telling how many meeting most likely over 100 +. Honestly probably maybe 20 of them or less made a lasting impression (meaning I got something from them that made a positive impact). If you're reading this and think I'm bashing these programs in not. If you've been to meetings you should know what I'm saying a lot of them are just a waste of time. For the most part me personally I usually get more from the blunt, experienced and straight forward old timers. And sadly many I've been too might as well be a place people are trying to hook up with another addict which 90% of the time ends up as a failure and a good chance 2 or both will be high and completely unfocused. This is just what I've seen.
Let's go to a meeting to try and get a piece of ass....That's the way to go NOT!!!! I've been there done that and it's nothing to brag about or see success with. As "A Higher Power" is a big part of the 12 Steps personally for me I enjoy going to a good church service rather than a meeting for the most part and for most productive, working people it tends to fit their schedule better. Everyone has their own opinion and mine simply is AA Created in 1935 in Akron, OH & NA Created in 1953 Location: Unspecified my belief is these programs are not the only solution.
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Addiction Poem:
My Life & My Struggle: Could Be Your Motivation?
Saggistica02/02/18 NON-FICTION SPOTLIGHT This publication is a Self-Help/Autobiography. It's a glimpse into my life and the impact mental illness & drug addiction played in my life. To put it lightly I'm a walking miracle: I've died more than once. I hop...