Twenty Two

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Twenty two 

 2 days later 

 "Breakfast is here!" Jerry exclaimed as he entered Maggie's ward with a tray of breakfast in his hands. He found Maggie sitting on her bed while holding a book. She was now returned to her normal self. She smiled as soon as she saw Jerry come in. 

 "You shouldn't have brought breakfast. The nurses will bring it to us later." Maggie said. Jerry went beside Maggie and placed the tray on the table beside her bed. 

 "Didn't you hear me? While you were resting, I promised you I would make breakfast for you each morning. It seems you didn't hear me then." Jerry said and pinched Maggie's nose. 

 "I heard you but really? Do you have to bring in breakfast each morning? I think you shouldn't." Maggie placed the book on the table and faced Jerry. 

 "Of course, I should bring breakfast each morning for you. I could even cook lunch and dinner for you." Jerry said and started to take a spoonful of rice and showed it to Maggie. 

 "Say 'Ahhh'." 

Ahhhhh." Maggie opened her mouth and ate the food Jerry gave to her. She chewed and swallowed and drank water from the glass that Jerry brought earlier. "But what if you are not here? You can't prepare breakfast for me." 

 "What if I would be gone? That won't happen." Jerry shook his head. 

"Do you know why?" 

 "No, why?" Maggie asked. Jerry smiled at her warmly and placed stood up. He held his hand onto Maggie's and assisted her to stand. 

 "Where are we going?" Maggie asked. 

 "Somewhere romantic." Jerry smiled mockingly at Maggie and assisted her to sit on the wheelchair that was prepared by the nurse earlier. Maggie didn't complain. She just followed what Jerry wanted her to do. Jerry took her outside the ward and towards the elevator. Jerry pressed the highest floor; rooftop. Maggie got confused at Jerry. She looked at him confusedly. 

"What are we gonna do on the rooftop?" 

 "Wait, and you'll see." Jerry said mockingly. 

 "Okay." Maggie didn't mind Jerry. She was sure he wouldn't harm her. She trusted him. The elevator rang open and Jerry pushed the wheelchair inside the elevator. Maggie was silently waiting for them to reach the rooftop. Later on, the door opened and it revealed a mini park. There were grass, benches and trees. The plants were for real and not fake. There was a mini park on the rooftop and many patients were staying there while enjoying the relaxing view of the city before them. 

 "Whoaa!" Maggie said in amazement. Maggie roamed her sight around the place. It was very clean and the grass were very green. Jerry pushed Maggie's wheelchair and followed a brick road towards the near edge of the rooftop where the view of the city was seen at best. Maggie's eyes were amazed, so is her heart. She looked at Jerry behind her who was also smiling. 

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