Chapter 01~ Intro

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Started 07/06/16

De'Anna's POV

"De’Anna have you seen my shoes?” Asia said as she scrambled around the room looking for them. I shook my head focusing on putting her clothes in the bag which was already half way packed, Asia was forever losing something. “Where the hell did I put them shoes?” She looked at the clock. “We don’t have much time.”

I faced her. “We have approximately....” I looked at the watch wrapped loosely around my wrist “....15 hours until we leave for Korea.” So in all honesty we had a lot of time. Asia pokes her head from around the corner.

“I know but if I don't find my shoes or my headphones I’m not going anywhere.” I shook my head. “Geez okay, well where was the last you saw them?” I asked stopping what I was doing to look in her dresser. Asia stood there in the doorway looking at the ceiling thinking,  I was about to say something then suddenly she scared the life out of me.

“WAIT! I know where I put them!” Asia shouted and took off running down the stairs and the next thing I knew I heard tumbling. I looked off at where she once stood, in confusion then walked towards the stairs. “Really?” I said looking down at her as I saw her at the bottom of the steps.

“Oooow~... Don’t ask how that happen..” A laughing Asia got up rubbing her behind before continuing. “I’m Ok I didn’t break anything so I should be fine....I think.”  

I laughed and went back into her room and finished packing her stuff. It’s been awhile since I stepped foot in the states.  The clumsy person  known as my cousin was finally coming to live with me in Korea so she can attend school out there.

From our years in high school we had always talked about traveling together, all around the world. I had moved out after my junior year in college and was now living in Cheongdam-dong, south Korea for the past few years.

I had waited till she finished high school so she’d be able to come to Korea with me to finish her college years in Korea, now all I have is a few hours to wait. And within that time I had made a lot of friends, familiarized myself with the culture and gotten a new name. Here in the US I was known by family and friends as De’Anna Young  but in Korea my name Ri DaeYoon.  This is going to be one hell of an adventure.

Asia's POV

I grab my shoes from under the sofa remembering that I accidently kicked them under there yesterday. Getting back to my feet I took a moment to look around my living room, I was really going to miss this place.

“Ah Asia you almost finish packing?” I look up to see my older sister coming from the kitchen.

“Yeah me and De’anna is just about done.” I said, then I was suddenly pulled into a tight hug.

“My baby is all grown up. I Wish I could just lock you up and keep you from leaving .” My sister was doing it again, trying to make me feel bad about leaving but it would never work.

“I… I ..think De’anna is calling me so..let go..please.” I choked out, soon as I was free I ran for it making my way up stairs. When I got upstairs I noticed De’anna had finished  packing my things and was looking through her phone.

“Who are you texting?” She looked at me. “Why you all in my business?” she asked.

“You ain’t got no business and I was just asking.” She glared at me. “I do have business thank you, but I’m texting a friend from Hongdae.”

“Oooh is it that guy you been telling me about? What’s his face? Alex something right?” I said flopping on the bed being all noisy.

“His name is Alex Yu but yeah. He’s a friend of mine.” De’anna looks at me then back at her phone.

“Just a friend...yeah right whatever you say.” I said not believing her for a second.

She rolled her eyes. “He seriously is just a friend.”

I smiled before singing Biz Markie. “You, you got what I need but you say he's just a friend, And you say he's just a friend, oh baby you~”

De’Anna looked up from her phone giving me a straight face. I stopped singing.

“Okay, don’t get your bra in a tangle, anyway I think we should probably get some sleep before we have to get going.”

“Yeah true, we have to get up a bit early anyways.”  

After showering and preparing for bed I did a final last check of everything I was sure I was taking with me. Once satisfied that I wasn’t forgetting anything  I climbed in bed next to De’anna who had her nose in a book. She was forever reading something though who was I to speak when I was just as bad.  

Grabbing my wallet off the nightstand I gazed at all my new identification displaying my korean name. As of tomorrow I would no longer only be known as Asia Jonas but as Ahn JoonNa As well. In just under 10 hours from now everything will be new. New school, new house, new surrounding, and new life. I was finally moving away from my sister attempting to be an adult. I was so ready.

Edited: 07-06-17

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