First Day

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Madison POV

My mom left and I checked my phone for any new notifications. Hayes tweeted.

@HayesGrier 2 hours to go #carride

OMG what if he was coming to this camp, I mean he's a football player!

Stop thinking that Madison, why would he come to this camp? He's on tour!

Someone came in my room, and I snapped out of daydream.

"Hey!" She said

"Hi I'm Madison" I said

"Kasey, I'll be your counselor"

"Awesome! So you're a cheerleader?" I asked

"Actually, I was 2 years ago, but now I'm a coach. I'm too old to be on the senior division team"

"Oh, well what team are you coaching here?"

"Level 6"

"That's my level! You'll be my coach!"


Kasey helped me settle in and more campers started to come, since I was a little early.

"Hi, I'm Kasey. I'll be your counselor, and I coach level 6" Kasey said to the last girl who got here.

"I'm Becka and I'm on level 4"

Kasey nodded and once everyone was settled in, Kasey told us to sit in a circle.

"So we are going to go around the circle saying our name, and our level. I'll start. My names Kasey, which you guys know, and I coach level 6"

"My names Taylor, and I am on level 7"

"I'm Madison, but people call me Mad, and I'm on level 6"

"I'm Lily and I'm level 6"

"I'm Cameron, but people call me Cammie and I'm level 5"

"I'm Candace and I'm level 7"

"I'm Becka and I'm level 4"

"Awesome! So it's 9:02 now, and we eat lunch at 12:30. You guys are allowed to go around camp and explore but not until 10. You guys can use your phones, read a book, take a nap, anything like that." Kasey explained.

We said ok and everyone did their own thing. I texted my friend Rose who comes to camp every year.

M: Hey, you here?

R: Yup! Hbu

M: You bet! What room? I'm 4

R: 7 so right across and to the left!

M: Awesome who's your counselor?

R: Meg, hbu

M: Kasey

R: I had her last year she's amazing!!

M: Nice, gtg I'm gunna take a nap.

R: Ok, at 10 wait outside your room lets go around camp together.

M: Kk

I locked my phone and took a nap on my bottom bunk. Since I got there first, I got to choose first. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up to the door opening and closing. My phone buzzed and it was Rose.

R: Ready?

M: Yep, lemme put on my shoes

I slipped on my nike free runs and met Rose.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked

"Awesome! You?"

"Great, how was Worlds?"

"Great, we got first!" I didn't want to say a lot because Rose's team didn't make it to Worlds, even though they were really good.

"Congrats! Where do you wanna go first?"

"Let's walk by Tacomsa, I wanna see who's here this year"

We walked to the boys dorm, and walked up the stairs. The basement is where you walk in, and then you walk up the first set of stairs to get to where we eat meals. The girls aren't allowed up the second set of stairs because it's the boys rooms. So we went up the first set of stairs to where we eat meals.

"No boys here, they must've already went out" Rose said

We walked back out and around the yard. And then we noticed a huge pack of boys sitting at the picnic tables. We looked at them and they didn't notice us.

"The one one the right side of the bench is cute" Rose said

"Noooo. No!! NO!!!" I said laughing.

"Eh" she said

"Not at all"

She shrugged and we walked around some more. We walked to the big gym, and looked in the window. Then we went to the little gym and noticed they redid it.

I checked the time and it was 10:30 so we still had 2 hours.

"What should we do?" I asked

"Let's go to outdoor tumbling" Rose said

"Okay, it's this way right"

She nodded and we went to outdoor tumbling. Outdoor tumbling is an activity they have at camp from 10 to 12 where you tumble outside and learn new tips and tricks.

"Hello ladies, here for tumbling?" A woman asked

"Yes" I said

"Alright, what's your names?"

"Madison Cooke, and Rose Campbell"

She wrote our names down and we joined the other girls. since it's the first day of camp, not many girls were there. There was about 10 us, and 3 coaches. I glanced out to the far field and saw the football players. I focused back on tumbling, and did my ROBHSBT (Round off back handspring back tuck)

After outdoor tumbling, we went back to Osceola and stayed in my room until lunch.

When 12:30 came, we went to lunch and sat down. For every meal, we sit with our bunk, so I sat with everyone in my room.

Today for lunch was chicken fingers and fries, and the fries here are so good so I couldn't wait to get called up.

"Kasey, your table" Cathi, the camp director said.

We walked up and got out lunch and came back to the table to eat.

Once lunch was over, we went back to the room for quiet hour. It's 1:15 now and we have until 2:00.

At 2:00 we go to the big gym, and the football players go to the field. We get a talk about what camps like, for the people who have never came. You still have to go to it, even if you've been to camp before.

I listened to music and played on my phone until 2:00 came, and I walked with Rose to the big gym.

When the meeting was over, it was 3:30, and dinner was at 6:30 so we had a lot of time.

The counselors had to go to a counselor meeting, so we were left alone for an hour.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked

Everyone shrugged and I just sighed. I went to my bed and took out a book. I read 3 chapters, and set my book down. I checked the time. 3:57. I used my phone until I had 10% and locked it. Even though I already showered this morning, I wanted to shower again, because I was sweaty from tumbling earlier.

I grabbed my toiletries and a towel and walked into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stepped in. I rinsed off and washed my body. I didn't wash my hair since I did this morning.

When I finished showering, Kasey was back.

"Hey" she said


She smiled at me and I smiled back. I checked my phone and saw a picture on Instagram that caught my eye. It was Hayes playing football on a field that looked like the field here.


Miracle at Camp {Hayes Grier}Where stories live. Discover now