Chapter 19

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"Well this will be fun to watch and by the end I will have more people in my army" said Nemo as he sat down in one of our chairs. Nemo then screeched and it called every shadow in the area towards the open area. The battle began as the shadows began to pile into the safe zone "Well Evan it was a honor to meet you and it will be a honor to die with you" said Nick "Same to you Nick" I said "ALRIGHT EVERYONE FIRE AT WILL" screamed Nick as the survivors started to open fire on the shadows. One by one the shadows began to be shot down by the survivors  and one by one survivors had been taken by the shadows. "We are losing to many survivors we need to fall back " said Nick "EVERYONE FALL BACK" I said as the remaining survivors started to fall backwards. "Oh this is taking forever, COME ON YOU WORTHLESS SHADOWS TAKE THEM OVER ALREADY" said Nemo looking bored. "SHUT UP" said a survivor as he shot Nemo "Well now its personal" said Nemo as he got hit by the shot. Nemo stood up and teleported to that survivor as he gutted him "Now as I was saying HURRY UP SHADOWS AND EAT THEM" said Nemo sitting back down as he absorbed the survivor he just gutted "We can't last any longer Evan" said Nick "Just hold out as long as you can" said Lauren "I am trying to its just to ha..." said Nick as he got jabbed by Nemo "Oh whoops did you want to finish your sentence I am sorry please continue" said Nemo mocking Nick as he dropped dead. "NICK IS DOWN I REPEAT NICK IS DOWN" said a survivor "I didn't say I was done joining into the fun now did I Evan" said Nemo "EVAN LOOK OUT HE IS RIGHT" Lauren said as she got cut off. Nemo threw Lauren across the room and she landed on the wall and fell face first into the concrete ground "LAUREN NO" I said "Come with me Evan lets have a chat" Nemo said as he grabbed me. I had been teleported into the sky above the safe zone as it was falling into pieces. "Well Evan now that you lost everything will you join my army" asked Nemo holding out his hand and motioned me to shake it. "I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU" I said as I struggled to escape his hold. "Oh come on Evan this is what you wanted for me to take over this world get rid of pollution and Humanity is pollution and must be cleaned up off this world" said Nemo "THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO HAPPEN" I said still trying to escape from him "You know if you escape my grasp you will fall to your death" said Nemo "I'D RATHER DIE THEN JOIN YOU" I said . "Also why are you screaming at me we are right next to each other" said Nemo now juggling a piece of his body around acting bored. "YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ME IN YOUR ARMY" I said getting tired of struggling. "Heres the score Evan you created me and I want to repay you by giving you Immortality and you are refusing to take my gift are you insane or just mad" asked Nemo "YOU ARE NOT A SAINT YOU ARE THE DEVIL AND I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU" I screamed "Man you do not give up I like that about you well if you rather die then I will give you death" said Nemo as he dropped me. I fell very fast towards the ground and while I was falling my life flashed before my eyes all the things I did every last thing I did and as I said my final words "I will be seeing you in hell Nemo". "Well there he goes welp now I got to find his daughter who has the power he did" said Nemo as he teleported back to his army.

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