XVII: Disrespect

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show a lack of respect for; insult.

Steve and Nancy locked lips, his hand under her curly hair. He often thought about how much they had overcome, and how they had become a couple that was different from the rest. Unlike the superficial relationships that came and went with all teenagers, they had something that was strong. Steve loved her, the way he could look into her doe eyes and never stop, the things they had shared with each other, from intimacy to monsters, they had a bond that wasn't unlike the one Emilia and Jonathan had.

Of course, Steve knew that he had made more mistakes in the relationship than Jonathan had made with Emilia, but they were too different to compare. Steve no longer worried about Nancy having feelings for Jonathan; they'd been together for over a year, and Emilia and Jonathan didn't seem to see anyone around them. Often times he spotted them in the halls, talking about cameras -or whatever- and he'd nod and wave, but they didn't see him.

It didn't bother him, he wasn't invisible to anyone else, and everyone was invisible to Emilia and Jonathan. Despite what they had all gone through last year, they didn't become friends. But Jonathan was no longer tormented by Steve, or even Tommy for that matter. And Emilia wasn't bullied by Carol either. Things smoothed over for them, and Steve was happy about that. Unable to change what he had done in the past, he did not dwell on it, but he always thought about what he did in the present now.

"I'll see you between class?" Steve asked, always a bit needier than Nancy these days. He noted it. She noted it.

"Yeah," she said as she brushed her hair behind her ear. "We should work on that essay tonight."

"Ugh," Steve groaned. When he saw she was serious he pouted. "Fine, but only if I can take you out for dinner."

"It's a date," she nodded in agreement.

As Steve headed to gym class with a smile on his face, thinking about where he would take Nancy for dinner as a reward for working on the essay he told her he started a week ago -and hadn't- he popped into the locker room. Loud chatter filled his ears, the rank scent of stale sweat over the years welcomed him. He wrinkled his nose automatically -even though he was great at any and all sport he was made to do, he was also able to keep up on his personal hygiene, and wondered how some of the other kids failed to do that.

The chatter brought forth a new voice, Steve noted as he changed from his jeans to his shorts. He stripped his shirt off and dug through his bag for his gym shirt. Feeling around, he noticed someone standing next to him, opening the locker that was always vacant. Side-eyeing him, he saw that it was a new kid, with long hair; a trend that really never caught Steve's interest.

"You must be Steve," the kid said, his accent strong.

"The one and only." Steve found his shirt and stood tall, face to face with the new kid. The new kid was bigger than him, but he didn't let any fear show. He was top dog here at Hawkins High.

"Heard you're quite the ladies man here. Secret spot? Special restaurant?"

"Just my good looks and undeniable charm," Steve replied.

The kid laughed.

"Anyone I should watch out for? Crazies?"

"Carol," Steve replied swiftly, almost too quickly.

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