LVII: Positive

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a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute.

Emilia woke the next morning with a throbbing ankle, a warm body pressed against her, terrible morning breath, and a grumbling stomach. She had never felt so content in her life then she did in that very moment, breathing in every ounce of bliss that she could. She shut her blue eyes again and tried to fall back asleep, the soft glow of sunlight peering in through the curtained window a gentle shake to wake her, but she had no reason to get up. She earned this rest, and so she put her mind at ease knowing that everyone she loved was still alive and well, and that it was Jonathan with his arms around her.

When she woke later, the sun much more obnoxious this time, Jonathan wasn't in bed with her. She rolled over to glance at the clock, and it showed that it was nearly eleven. Emilia never slept in that late, but she sprawled out with her arms extended on either side of her, the blanket loose around her hips, and smiled at the ceiling. A giddy part of her overwhelmed her and she laughed lightly.

"What are you laughin' about?" Jonathan asked from the doorway, a mug of steaming hot coffee in his hands.

The scent hit Emilia's nose right away and she was drawn to it like a zombie to brains. Reaching her hand out, she clawed the air, and Jonathan laughed back. He crossed the small room and sat on the edge of the bed. Emilia curled around him, still laying down, and grabbed the coffee from his hands. It had the right amount of sugar and cream, and she inhaled half of it before she felt human again. The right amount of sleep, the right amount of monster killing and Upside-Down stopping, and the right amount of coffee always was a good combination.

"So, we should probably talk now," Jonathan said quietly.

The tone of his voice was brutal; Emilia could feel how much he thought he was going to lose her when he finished telling her exactly what happened between him and Nancy. But she could also feel over a year of their history in his voice, in the way he held his head, slightly drooping with shame. She could feel a self of self loathing that she understood on some level. And coming from herself, she felt fear, worry, disappointment, and an assortment of other things she couldn't even name.

Mostly, she felt positive that this would not break them up.

Emilia sat upright, cross-legged on the bed, favouring her swollen ankle with her hand. The gentle massaging with one hand, and her other hand holding her mug, she had her hands occupied, which always made these kinds of talks easier. She suddenly felt sad that Jonathan had nothing to do with his hands, and that hers weren't free for him to hold.

"If you don't want to talk to me ever again, I get it. It'll hurt, but it'll be the least of what I deserve. I won't guilt you into sticking around; I refuse to be that guy. But just know that I was upset, I was jealous, I was hurt, and most of all, I was confused about everything. I thought -stupidly- I thought you loved Steve. And because Nancy didn't... and because Nancy was with me those nights. There is no excuse, really, Emilia, for what I did..."

"You slept with her..." Emilia looked down at her coffee, seeing the swirls of cream mimicking the swirling pit that was her stomach right then. It would be the end, then. She suspected it from the moment Nancy let it slip that something happened, and now it was confirmed. Trying to swallow, but being able to, she felt her breath hitch and tears prickle in her eyes. There were some things Emilia could forgive, such as taking photos of Nancy last year, but when she added everything up from then to now, with this, she simply wouldn't be able to look at Jonathan like she used to.

"What? No!" Jonathan stood up, "Oh, Emilia... Is that what you thought all along?"

She looked up and met his gaze, but he was a blur through her tears. Unable to speak, Emilia resorted to nodding.

"Emilia, I kissed her... and that's when I realized how much of an idiot I was. That's all that happened between us, I swear."

There was an impenetrable silence for a moment, taking over the room and consuming it. Jonathan couldn't read Emilia's face, and he worried that this was it, he was going to have to say goodbye to her. Goodbye to their future in New York, goodbye to the love of his life all because he had been an idiot.

"You kissed? That's it?" Emilia asked.

Relief flooded him, and he nodded. "I was confused, and that cleared it up, I promise you. Emilia, the only person I want in my life is you."

She chuckled a little, then sipped her coffee. "Wow, the last twenty-four hours I was sure you did more... The days before that my mind went to all sorts of places."

"So... You don't want to lea-" he couldn't even say it.

Emilia placed the mug on the nightstand and rose to her feet, making sure not to put weight on her bad ankle. She reached her arms up and around Jonathan's neck, feeling the soft hairs on the back of his neck. Jonathan put his hands around her waist, pulling her a little bit closer, and then smiled. His heart was racing like the time they first kissed, the time they first fell onto that very bed and got lost in one another. Like the first time she spoke to him.

She pressed her lips gently to his, tasting his own morning breath and not caring at all. They'd shared so much in this world, nothing would break them apart. Not Nancy, not Steve, not the Upside Down, not any monster, and certainly not a silly lack of communication or a sporadic kiss that meant nothing.

"Tell me something good," Emilia whispered as she broke apart from him.

"I love you, Emilia Roth."

"Emilia Hopper," she corrected, then wrinkled her nose. "That sounds terrible, never mind."

He chuckled, then pecked her lips gently.

"I love you, Jonathan Byers."

Ugh, sap and making up and bleh. Yeah, I considered heavily about breaking them up, but decided not to.

Question of the Day: Would you leave someone if they kissed another person? 

Also, the new Infinity War trailer popped up!!!! Have you seen it?!

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