Chapter one: morning cig

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My first killjoy fic, Hoping it will get a few reads, I'm happy to hear any input on whether or not you like it, tell me what you think, and yerp.

Chapter One, Morning Cig


"Sophie how could you just leave us all like that? You know dad is worried. Mom is in tears. You need to come back... I can promise no one will glaze you. Just come back."

My brother said, his voice gruff and scratchy from yelling through the walkie-talkie. "No. This is the life I chose. The sharpest lives." I could hear my brother's sigh through the small device.

"We have your sober pills Soph. They're all yours. Just come back. Come smile with the family."

"No!" I screamed, trying to shake the idea of the pills from my mind, so addicting, so nice... no pain.. no sorrow... no love, only a nice little smile.

I jolted upright in my cot, my short, white hair falling in my face in a sweaty heap. Another nightmare. This had to stop at one point. It'd been years. Years since my mind has been glazed with BLI's brainwashing crap. I coughed, my tired lungs protesting the action, and began to paw at the floor until my hand touched my glasses. I slid them on my nose and stood up brushing off the dust that had gathered on me during the night.

"Good morning all you motor babies" I heard a familiar voice sing threw my radio. I smiled and picked up a power pup from a pile and opened it, not bothering to cook the foul substance, knowing it wouldn't improve the taste. I grabbed a water as I sat and listened to the morning news. "Dracs up in Zone 2. Watch out Killjoys", Dr. D boomed through the small box. I should avoid it. I didn't need any trouble today. I looked around pondering on what I should do today. I had all the supplies I needed. My current hide-out was a one room shack that I had found. It was small, but had all I needed.

I lived in it for about.... two months? It was hard to count the days properly in the desert. I should scout out a new hiding hole. It wasn't safe to live anywhere too long.

With a heavy yawn, I rummaged through a pile of cigarette boxes until I found a box that wasn't empty and walked out into the desert letting the full heat of the sun hit me. Pulling a lighter from my pocket, I lit the cig and breathed in the smoke. A bad habit I picked up, but I couldn't resist. Letting my eyes scan the horizon, I saw just how high the sun was. I had slept in, the sun was almost nearly at high noon.

With another deadly breath, I took in more of the cigarette. It was calming, helped me think. I kept looking out at the desert trying to remember what it was like before the fire, before... I could hardly think the name of the damned company. Bastards.

After a long sweep of what was around me, my eyes landed on my bike. An old BLI cycle scarecrows used. But when someone killed the bitch, the bike was left. I had painted it with my signature red heart line across the side, leaving the rest white. Simple and perfect.

"What to do..." I mused "... What to do" I took another puff on the cig, disappointed to find it had burnt to the filter. I flicked it into the sand and sighed. I need to go get more.

I walked back into my small house and grabbed my deep red leather jacket, throwing it over my shoulder as I grabbed my brothers watch and strapped it to my wrist. "Ko-" I stop myself from saying his name. He had left. He knew where I was. If he wanted BL/ind he could have them.

I grabbed my gun, also white with a red heart line. I left the "lovely" BLI label showing though. It gave me a little more pride to kill the Dracs with their own gun.

I walked back out to my bike. I guess it was time to move on, find somewhere new. Maybe a new crew... no.. no. No more killjoys would get dusted on my watch.

I rode for what left like hours. I entered into Zone 3, passing other killjoy bases and looked for one that was empty. Nothing. I just kept riding.

The engine on my bike roared as it jumped dune after dune. I loved the feeling. As I drove faster, the world sped by. I looked at a hand-made sign, "Zone 6", in simple black paint. I sped up. Prime killjoy territory. This is where the Fabulous Four's base, and Dr. D were.

I pushed my bike to go faster. I stopped paying attention to where I was going. I knew the desert like the back of my hand and had no fears riding through it. I looked up at the sun. It was around mid day. I had a few hours to keep riding before I had to go back... I would need fuel to soon.

After what felt like an hour, I began to slow down. I was getting a feeling of where I was. I needed to start heading home soon. Maybe I could stop by a gas stop and get more cigarettes, and possibly a beer.

A loud explosion stopped my train of thought. I skidded my bike around and headed towards the sound. There were flames soaring high above the horizon.. Why is it always fire? Can't they do anything better?!

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