Chapter 1 - More Than a Book..

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Slowly, H stood up. His vision was being blurred. He blinked his eyes a few times so that he could see better, and when he could, he tried to figure out where he was. He felt strange, like someone had made him into a bench. Realising that, H cringed. Usually his friends would make jokes about him being a bench, because when he annoyed them, they'd all sit on him.
"Where the flippin'.." he started, "Is this the airport? No.. it's not. But flippin', it looks a lot like it."

A few seconds later, he reached into his pocket for his phone so that he could try and get help, but he couldn't seem to hold anything. He looked down at his hands, but they weren't hands at all! Instead, they were hooves. Yes, he had turned into a pony. His skin was dark blue, and his hair was dark purple. He had bright orangey-yellow eyes. He had a small unicorn horn hidden amongst his hair.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, came a very familiar voice.
"Who are you? Where's my Mummy and Daddy? Where's my brother and sister? What's happened to me?!" It cried.
"Pearl?" H asked.
"H?" Pearl asked back.
"At least you still have blonde hair, so I can kinda tell it's you," said H.
"Yuh, but, you don't even look slightly the same!" Pearl cried, "I mean, you had brown hair and brown eyes, now you have yellowy eyes and purple hair."
"What the.. do I?!" H cried.
"Yes!" Pearl replied, sounding scared and confused.

Pearl had the same colour of blonde hair, but now she had green eyes instead of blue. Her skin was bright orange.

H looked around for Rosalina, but he didn't see anyone other than Pearl.
"Are you looking for everybody else?" Pearl asked.
"Uh.. yeah," H replied, not sure if that counted as lying or not.

A few minutes had passed, and finally, a light pink pony had approached them. She had dark purple eyes, and bright purple and turquoise hair in a high ponytail.
"Um.. hello. Who are you?" She asked.
"Bella?!" Pearl cried, happily. She hugged her, "Bella! I'm so happy to see you!"
"I'm happy to see you too, Pearl," she started, "Who's that?"
"Hi, Bella," H said, sounding so bored.
"I'm guessing you're H?" Bella asked, hopefully.
He replied, "Yup. I'm H." Bella sniggered. She thought that H's voice coming from a blue pony was so weird. He got offended quickly.

A few seconds later, another two ponies came along. One was mint with white and turquoise hair, golden eyes, and a unicorn horn, while the other was light purple with bright yellow hair, dark purple eyes, and huge, transparent wings that seemed to be filled with glitter and water.

"Who the flippin' are you guys?" H asked the two.
"A-hi!" Shouted the winged pony.
"Oh no.." H sighed.
The winged pony grinned, "It's me! A-Bob!"
The unicorn smiled, but didn't seem very happy. She said, "I'm Gidget. Who are you?"
Bella smiled, "Hi! I'm glad you're here. It's me, Bella."
"And I'm Pearl," added Pearl.
"And I'm H," H ended.

Soon, Carly joined them, followed by Jimmy, then Emilia, then Briar, then KC, then Granny Bloodgood and Mr. Donkey.

Carly was a dark pink pony, with white and bright pink hair. Her eyes were an emerald green colour. Jimmy was a blue pony, with much smaller wings than Bob, dark pink eyes, and rainbow hair. Emilia looked like the girl version of H; she had a similar skin tone, except slightly paler, and a bit more purple. Her hair was lightly curled, and was a soft pink colour, which blended down into a deep purple at the bottom. Her eyes were light orange. Briar was a bright yellow pony, which seemed to match her personality quite well, and she had bright pink hair, with some in a pleat, and her eyes were a similar colour. KC was a tiny unicorn, no taller than anyone else's legs. She was white, and had light purple and pink hair in a high ponytail. Granny Bloodgood was a yellow unicorn, with light brown hair and light purple eyes. Mr. Donkey just looked the same as always; a dark blue horse, with dark purple hair, and blood red eyes. Although, he couldn't talk anymore.

Pearl was getting anxious. She didn't want to be around her younger sister any longer, or be without her friends.
"Where's TicToc and Tea Party?!" She yelled, sounding very frustrated.
"Well.. I'm not sure which one, but there's somebody over there," replied KC, pointing her hoof to a small pony, around the same size as herself, walking towards them.

The pony was very pale yellow, with pink-tinted red hair, and fiery orange eyes.
"Hello!" She cried, cheerfully.
"Welp, guess we know who that is," said Jimmy.
"Hi! Who are you all? I'm Tea Party," she smiled.
"Knew it," whispered Jimmy.
"Hi, Jimmy!" Beamed Tea Party.
"Hi," he replied, giving her a small smile.
"Hi, Tea Party!" Pearl squealed with excitement.
"PEARL!" Tea Party screeched, "I'M SO GLAD IT'S YOU!! Where's TicToc?"
"I dunno. Nobody's seen her yet.." Pearl replied.

At that moment, a small winged pony came racing towards everybody. She had bright orange skin, with dark pink hair, and light purple eyes.
"Woooooh!" She yelled, as she stood beside Mr. Donkey.
"Yay! TicToc!" Pearl laughed, "Why did you do that?"
"Uh.. I dunno. Just felt like it," TicToc laughed in return, "But why is Granny Bloodgood standing underneath Mr. Donkey's front legs?"
"Oh.. I never noticed that.." Pearl replied.
"Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!" Tea Party chirped with a smile so wide, her huge eyes had become two slits.

H stood against a wall and sighed. He missed Rosalina. He hadn't seen her for ages, and was worrying where she was, and if she was okay. Jimmy saw this and walked over to him. He brought Emilia, too.
"Are you okay?" Jimmy asked, trying to sound as comforting as possible.
"Yup," H replied.
"You miss Rosalina?" Jimmy asked.
"Yup," H replied. Emilia rolled her eyes.
"What? It's cute. Even if you don't like them together, at least have some respect for them," Jimmy told his best friend.
"Fine," Emilia replied, reluctantly.

Half an hour had passed, and still no one had seen Rosalina.
"Where is she?" H complained.
"She'll find us soon, don't worry," Jimmy tried to convince H, but it wasn't working.
"I wanna see Rosalina! Where is she?" H cried.
"I'm here," Rosalina smiled. She ran towards H, and gave him a big hug. Then she giggled, "You look funny."
"Yeah, but so do you," H laughed.

Rosalina was a grey pony, with dark purple eyes, and black hair.
"I can't look that different, I mean, my hair colour is the same, and so are my eyes (yes, I made a mirror appear with my magic so that I could see what I looked like, after I realised I was a pony)."
"Well, you don't really, but it's mostly because you're a flippin' pony," H replied.
Rosalina laughed, "Shouldn't we find some way to fix this?"
"This is all Dad's fault," H started, and he was very annoyed, "He should fix this."
Bob walked over to them, "Hey, I didn't know the Dictee-o-nar-ee and-ee Thee-saurus was evil."
"You know what, let's all just calm down, and we'll fix this together," Rosalina told Bob and H.
"Okay!" Bob chirped.
"Fine," H replied.

Author's Note

Hi guys! What did you think? And before you complain, this is NOT permanent. I don't want them to be ponies for ever.

I decided to make a longer chapter, because most of the previous book was quite short, and I wanted this to be long. And also, it wasn't completely on purpose. TicToc had only just started talking when I got to 1000 words, so.. yeah.

Stay tuned for more, and please watch the episode down below. Also, what do you think of the custom thumbnail? I'm sorry.. it looks terrible.. 😂

-KP x

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