Chapter 6 - Dinnah

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Everyone had arrived in Turkey that day, and had spent the whole day at the beach. Now they were in the hotel restaurant, about to order dinner.

They sat at a huge table with a blue table cloth over it. It was very high off the floor, so they ended up sitting on barstools instead of chairs. The rest of the room had more tables with blue table cloths and barstools. The floor was made of long wooden planks, which were a chestnut brown, and the walls were painted lilac. The lights were dimmed slightly.

The waiter came to their table, took their orders, and left.

While they waited for their food, they talked to each other, obviously.

"KC! I can't believe that you had to order the same as me! Why?" Pearl moaned.
"Because I wanted pizza too.." KC sighed, "I knew you'd be mad at me.. but I just wanted to order something that I actually wanted for once.. I'm sorry we had to share it for once."
Pearl rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Stop trying to guilt trip me. It's never going to work."
"Worth a shot, "KC giggled.

"I CAN STAND UNDER THE TABLE!" Tea Party screeched.
TicToc covered her ears, "Why are you so loud?!"
"I dunno," Tea Party shrugged.

"This is a really long table. I can barely hear those two," Rosalina stated, pointing to TicToc and Tea Party, "And they're loud!"
"Duh," H laughed in return. He was sitting right next to her. As usual.
"Yeah.. why is this table so long?" Jimmy joined in.
"Yeah," Emilia replied.
"O. T. Flippin'. P," H said, looking emotionless, but everyone knew he wasn't.
"Oh, come on!" Jimmy cried, throwing his arms up in the air.
Emilia became annoyed, "How many times do we have to say, we are just best friends. Why wouldn't we sit together?"
"Opinions. I can ship you guys if I want. No one can stop me," H replied.
Jimmy raised his hand as though to argue back, but he then decided it would be best to agree with H, for once.

Bob, Gidget, Bella, and Briar all sat across from Jimmy, Emilia, Carly, and KC. Granny Bloodgood and Mr. Donkey stood behind them.

Briar thought for a moment, smiled, and said, "Hey, Twiny Smikle? What did you order? I forgot."
"Oh," Granny Bloodgood started, "I ordered horse meat."
Briar replied, "Cool!"
Emilia stared at them and gagged. Gidget opened her eyes really wide. Bella pursed her lips. H cringed.
"You do realise that Mr. Donkey is a horse?" Bella cried.
"No, it's a donkey!" Granny Bloodgood yelled in return. Everyone went silent.

Rosalina turned her head slightly, and found herself face to face with the waiter.
"Oh, hi," she said quickly.
"Sorry for the wait. Your food will be here soon," he replied.
"Aw, man," H sighed, "Now we're gonna have to wait even longer!"
"He said soon. It can't be that much longer," Rosalina smiled.

About an hour later, the waiter finally arrived at the table, heaving two very large carts of food behind him.

H glared at him, "What the flippin' took so long?!"
"I'm sorry, sir, but there are a lot of people here, and you lot are at the biggest table. It is much easier to get to the smaller ones first," the waiter replied.
"Well.. get rid of the other tables I guess?" H suggested, although he had no clue what to say. He just blurted out the first thing that came to his head.
"H!" Rosalina cried, "You can't just get rid of the other tables! Other people want food too, you know."
"Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else," H replied with which sounded like sarcasm, but it really wasn't.

Granny Bloodgood was handed her plate, and she lifted a piece of meat from it. She fed it to Mr. Donkey.. and he ate it.

After experiencing this, Emilia got out of her chair, and ran out of the restaurant. Jimmy ran after her.

It was at that moment that Jimmy realised just how fast Emilia could run. He couldn't see her anywhere. He searched for about five minutes, and then finally found her back in their hotel room. She was sitting on her bed.

"Emilia, are you okay?" Jimmy asked.
"Yeah.. but oh my gosh, that was disgusting!" She cried.
"Yeah.. but right after you left, Mr. Donkey spat it out.. so at least he doesn't like it," Jimmy replied.
"Ew," Emilia started, "You know what? I'm gonna go into the bathroom and do some sort of weird hairstyle. Maybe H will finally notice me."
"Okay..?" Jimmy said, not so sure it was a good idea.

Emilia walked into the bathroom, Jimmy waited beside the door. A few minutes later, she came back outside and poor Jimmy had stood at the wrong side of the door, and ended up getting whacked in the face with it. Emilia apologised. Jimmy looked up and saw that her hair looked so different. It was in what was probably the largest bun Jimmy had ever seen, and her bobble was bright green with a pink bow on it.

"You look.. uh.. different," Jimmy tried to compliment her, but failed.
"But it looked good.. right?" Emilia asked, hopefully.
"Yeah!" Jimmy smiled.
"Okay, lets go!" Emilia cried.

The two of them had a race to see who could get back to the restaurant first.

When they got to their table and sat down, H stared at them, "What the flippin' did you do to your hair?"
"I put it up. Do you like it?" Emilia asked.
"Ew, no," H replied, "It looks horrible!"
"What?" Emilia started, "Jimmy said it looked good. And he is always honest."
"Um.. well.. I.. uh.." Jimmy stuttered.
"Wait.. you don't like it?" Emilia asked, disappointed.
"Well.. uh.. um.. n-no.." he replied reluctantly, as he didn't want to hurt his best friend's feelings.
"You know you could've just told me, then I would've just tried something else," suggested Emilia.
"Oh.. sorry," Jimmy whispered.
"It's okay," Emilia sighed, "Sis', come and get this bobble out for me. It's way too tight."

Rosalina used her magic to snap the bobble in half, leaving her sister's hair to fall over her shoulders and behind her back.

"Don't try and steal H from me again," Rosalina laughed.
"Okay," Emilia lied.

Once everyone had finished eating, they went back up to the hotel room and went to bed. They stayed in Turkey for two weeks, then went back home.

Author's Note

Hi guys! I finally updated this book! Yay! I don't know why it has been taking me so long, but that's all over now. Eventually..

I think there are only like.. 1-3 episodes in this season left, but still a few specials, so there are still quite a few chapters of this book left, then onto Season 4. I am excited!

Have any of you guys watched the first few episodes of Season 5 yet? We have a perfect idea for the last two episodes of the season. I will reveal the second last, but the last one is a surprise. And don't worry, it's a really good surprise. Read Information - Part 7 to find out what the second last episode is about.

Anyways, see you guys soon!

-KP x

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