Chapter 4 - Valentine's Day

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H and Carly sat on Rosalina's bed, talking about a "genius plan" that they would make happen that day. They were in Emilia and Rosalina's house.

Pearl, TicToc, and Tea Party all sat on the floor, giving each other Valentine's cards. Pearl gave hers out first. For TicToc, she drew a sword on the front, and for Tea Party, she drew a cup of coffee. TicToc gave hers out next. For Pearl's card, she coloured it in red, and wrote Pearl on the front. For Tea Party, she coloured it in mint, and wrote Tea Party on the front. Last but not least, Tea Party gave hers out. She drew a coffee cup on each card, and it was. For Pearl, she wrote the letter P on it, and for TicToc, she wrote the letter T on it.
"Oh, TP! Your initials are just our initials put together. That's so cool!" TicToc cried.
"Oh yeah," Pearl and Tea Party chorused. Then they began laughing.

A few hours later, Emilia walked into her bedroom, and found a card on her bed, so she decided to open it. It was from Jimmy. It read:
Emilia, I love you, and I know you love me too.
She freaked out. She was told by Jimmy, himself, that he had a crush on Carly. She was so confused.

Meanwhile, Jimmy had received a card from Emilia. It read:
Jimmy, you are the only person I love.
He began to cry, because he was sure that Emilia had a crush on H, and if what the card said was true, he didn't want to upset his best friend by telling her that he didn't love her, but he couldn't think of anything else to do, so he did it.

H and Carly watched through a slightly opened door as their best friends met in the hallway, and confronted one another.
"Jimmy, can I just say-" Emilia started, but was interrupted by Jimmy shooshing her.
"Can I talk first?" He asked.
"No but.. Jimmy! You don't understand!" Emilia cried.
"But this is important, and I have to tell you this," Jimmy continued.
The two ended up talking at the same time. Emilia said, "This letter you gave me.. is it true?" While Jimmy said, "Emilia, I'm sorry but you know I like Carly."
They stared at each other in confusion, and Emilia said, "Oh, thank gosh! I thought you were in love with me for a minute there. At least I won't have to hurt your feelings," but for some reason, Jimmy did feel a bit hurt, but couldn't figure out why.
"Yeah.. I'm just glad that you don't.. uh.. love me. I don't wanna reject you, but I know I would have to," he replied. Emilia felt slightly more hurt than Jimmy, and she too, couldn't figure out why. Both of them tried their hardest to hide it, in case H or Carly noticed, and thought that they had crushes on each other.

About an hour later, everyone gathered in Rosalina's room, for Carly's birthday party, where she opened all of her cards, (she had opened her presents earlier that day). Lily and Aku joined them and gave Carly a birthday cake with pink frosting and heart shaped sprinkles.
"誕生日おめでとう、カーリー" said Aku.
"What did he say?" Carly asked.
"He said Happy Birthday, Carly," Emilia replied.
Carly smiled, "Well, can you tell him I said thanks?"
"Of course!" Emilia smiled, "ありがとう"
"How do you understand that?" H asked, sounding confused and annoyed at the same time.
"あなたが理解しない方法で、恋人," Rosalina smiled.
"Why, woman?" H yelled.
"Because, I like annoying you," Rosalina smirked, "But don't worry, I love you more than anything or anyone in the world."
Carly smiled ear to ear, "Aw! I ship you two so much!"
Rosalina smiled as she hugged H, then kissed him on the cheek. His face turned pink, "Um.. uh.. thanks.." he muttered.

Bob and Gidget gave each other their Valentine's cards. Bob received a heart shaped card that read:
I love you
From, Gidget.
Gidget received a similar card that read:
What did I do to deserve you?
Love, Bob
Then, H and Rosalina gave each other cards. H received a light green card with a picture of headphones on it. On the inside, it read:
You know I'll always love ya
She received a white card with a red heart on it (it kind of looked like an ace of hearts, although, it wasn't). On the inside, it read:
No one gets me like you do
Love, H

Soon after, everyone went home, except from Rosalina who went with H instead, leaving Emilia alone with their parents. It always had to be her..

Author's Note

Hi guys! Did you like this chapter? Sorry I took so long to write it..

Anyways, if you want to know the translations of the Japanese in this chapter, you can either comment or PM me, and I will PM you the Japanese, so that you can copy and paste it into Google Translate (yes, that's what I used).

How did you guys enjoy Christmas? I got a pineapple! Sadly, I still don't have Justine. She is one of the main characters in the TBF sequel btw, and this will be happening in 4 years from now. See ya soon!

-KP x

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