Chapter 12 - Secrets

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Since everyone was in the living room, they decided to have a group conversation. Today it was about secrets.

TicToc went first, "Okay, my secret is that I was the one who killed my parents, and was put in jail when I was four. They weren't nice people, ya can't blame me."
"Well, they still didn't deserve to die," Pearl announced.
"Sure.." TicToc replied sarcastically.

Author's Note

I hope the whole dying thing doesn't get this chapter blocked..

Anyways, back to the story.

TicToc turned her head to look at Jimmy who was sitting beside her. Jimmy realised and then squeaked. He told her that he didn't have any secrets that he could think of, but he'd try anyway. Instead, TicToc went to Rosalina.

"Okay, what's your secret..?" She asked, suspiciously while laughing.
"Uh.. I was a bad child who liked to bend the rules? I dunno. Like if someone asked me to pour them a glass of water, I would. But then I'd leave it next to the tap instead of bringing it to them," Rosalina replied.
"Really?" H asked.
"Huh.. I've never seen you like that before.." Emilia added.
"Yeah but.." started Rosalina, "I'm ten years older than you. I was a good child by that point."
Emilia rolled her eyes.

Next was H's turn. Except.. he didn't have any secrets. Or at least, he wouldn't reveal any. Then was Tea Party's turn.

"Guess what?" She started, "I REALLY love.. coffee!"
TicToc rolled her eyes, "We all already knew that, Tea Party."
"Yeah, I know!" Tea Party smiled.

Bella was the next person to reveal her secret. Then Gidget.

"I hack into Bella's phone when I'm bored," she said quickly.
"WHAT?!" Bella screeched.
"What?" Gidget said, while shrugging her shoulders.

It was Bob's turn, then Carly's, then Granny Bloodgood and Mr. Donkey's (who didn't have any secrets), then Emilia.

Her face went pink, "Uh.. okay, um.. I do have a secret, but no one knows it, and I don't wanna say it, please don't make me.."
"Alright," TicToc sighed, reluctantly.

Last but not least, Jimmy was to reveal the first secret that he thought of.
"Okay, actually, I have two. But one of them I don't wanna say. The other one is.. well.. H, when you first moved to our school, I hated you.." he said.
"WHAT?! WHY?!" H yelled.
"I dunno?!" Jimmy cried, his tone of voice sounding like a question.

"Oh! I thought of one!" Granny Bloodgood yelled out of nowhere.
"Okay then!" TicToc laughed, "Go on, tell us!"
"I like to take my head off, and stuff it with feathers, then use it as a pillow," she replied. Everyone was confused, some disgusted.
Briar decided to fix the silence with another secret, "Sometimes, I like to stand on my head, and whisper 'I'm in Australia now!'"
"What?" Emilia laughed.
"I dunno," Briar smiled, in return.

Jimmy sighed heavily, and uttered, "Guys.. that wasn't my biggest secret.."

Author's Note

Dun dun dun! The suspense! I feel evil.. anyways, this is the final chapter. Season 4 is next. Yay! That book has Comic Con in it, which I am extremely excited for. Sorry that all of these chapters are so short..

Prepare to watch the episode. If you like..

Anyways, bye!

-KP x

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