Chapter 3 - Jimmy's Birthday

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Carly, Pearl, KC, and TicToc all sat in Carly's bedroom, playing Once Upon a Time with POP! Figures. Pearl was being Emma, KC was being Snow White, Carly was being Regina, and TicToc was being Killian.
"I have a bow and arrow, and I will use it!" KC said.
"Oh yeah, well I have a broken sword, which is way more dangerous, because it has lots of jaggy edges, so I can poke you with it if I want," Pearl boasted. Emma's sword actually was broken..
"Oh yeah, well I can use magic," smirked Carly.
"Ha! Me too," cried Pearl.
"Aw, no fair. All I have is a hook. Although.. it is pretty sharp, so I can just scratch your eyeballs out. Mwahaha!" TicToc added.
"Yo, Pearl! Your mum is your little sister, and your boyfriend is a girl!" Carly yelled.
Pearl burst out laughing, "I really don't know why that's so funny, but it is."
"To be honest, I don't really care if people see me as a boy or a girl," TicToc started, "I am a girl, but I act like a boy, and I look and sound gender less, so, meh."
KC smiled, "Look! There's Anna and Elsa POP! Figures next to Carly's bed."
"I'm Elsa!" Pearl cried, and excitedly.
"I wanna be Anna," Carly said.
"Okay," TicToc and KC chorused.

Suddenly, there came a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" Cried TicToc.

She walked from Carly's room to the door, and opened it. Standing on the other side was Emilia, Tea Party, and Briar. They all ran into H's room where they found Jimmy, sitting on the bed next to H and Rosalina.

Tea Party screeched, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIMMY!" She hugged him so tight that he was knocked to the floor.
"Thanks," replied Jimmy, as he stood back up.
"Happy Birthday!" Briar cried, hugging her brother and unintentionally shoving him backwards onto the bed.

He stood back up, preparing himself for Emilia, but she just hugged him, gently.
"See, why are you so much better at hugs?" Jimmy started, "I mean, I do like it when those two hug me, but you are like.. the weakest person I know, besides me. In a good way, of course."
"I dunno. I just don't like tight hugs, so I just assumed that you'd prefer that too," Emilia replied, smiling.

H and Rosalina smiled at Jimmy and Emilia, because of how cute they were together, then at each other. They got up and walked into the living room.

A little while later, everyone was in the living room. Jimmy sat on the couch and everyone surrounded him. Emilia ran into H's room, and grabbed his birthday presents. Since she wasn't very strong, it took her a long time to get them into the living room, so she asked Bob for some help. He got them to the living room with no trouble at all.

Jimmy picked up his first present. It was a very shiny one pound coin.
"Who gave me this?" He asked, politely.
"I did," Rosalina smiled, "I thought that since me and my sister have been to many countries, I'd give you the shiniest coin I could find, that was in a different currency."
"Thanks," Jimmy replied, actually meaning it.

The next thing he saw was not a present, but was a small stack of birthday cards. The first one was from Tea Party. It read:
Happy Birthday! Have some coffee.
Jimmy laughed, "Ha, thanks."
Tea Party smiled, "No problemo!"

The card beneath it was from TicToc. There was a drawing of a face on the front. It looked like it was plotting to kill someone, but TicToc claimed it to be a happy face. On the inside, it read;
To Jimmy, Happy Birthday. From TicToc.
"This is a great drawing!" Jimmy giggled.
"Thanks!" TicToc thanked.

The last card was from H. It didn't even have an envelope. It was bright green with a small patch of blue on the back, and on the front, was a very bad drawing of two people's heads, drawn with a dark green Sharpie.
"Uh.. what is this supposed to be?" Jimmy asked.
"That's me," replied H, pointing to the person in the right, and then pointed to the person on the left, "And that's you."
Jimmy smiled, but didn't seem to mean it, "I love it, but what's the blue patch at the back?"
"Well, I kinda felt bad that I made the card mostly my favourite colour, so, I put some blue on it," H smiled.
"Wait.. was I the only one who put writing on the inside of my card?" TicToc asked.
"Were we supposed to?" Tea Party asked.
"Uh, yeah!" TicToc replied, since it was really obvious.
"Oops.." H sighed.
"So I was the only one," TicToc mumbled.

Jimmy saw a very long, thin, cylindrical present, so he decided to unwrap it. It was a pencil.
"I got a pencil.." he said, sounding bored.
"You got a pencil," Emilia repeated.
"I got a pencil.."
"You got a pencil."
"I got a pencil.."
"You got a pencil."
"I got a pencil and I'll use it every day!" Jimmy smiled. Emilia giggled.
Bob laughed, "Its from me! Look, I even carved your name on the side!"
Jimmy looked closely at the pencil, "Oh yeah, so you did."

The last present was really big. It barely fit under the table. Jimmy decided to open it, and it was the huge, limited edition, Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit.
"Wow! Who got me this?!" Jimmy cried.
"I did.." replied Emilia.
"Really?! Why?" Jimmy asked, sounding extremely happy.
"Because, I knew you liked Harry Potter, and it was limited edition, and when we first saw it I remembered that your birthday was coming up.. so.." Emilia started, "I bought one for you. And I got one for me, too."
Jimmy was lost for words, "But it was nine hundred and ninety nine dollars! You didn't have to do that."
Emilia smiled, "I know."
"OTP!" H, Carly, and Pearl cried in unison.

At that moment, KC left the room, but came back again with what looked like a giant custard cream biscuit with a chibi face.
"Jimmy, I made this for you! It's your birthday cake," she smiled.
"All by yourself?" He asked, amazed at the six year old's skills.
"Well, I got Bella to help me last night to do the cream, and I got Rosalina to help me to make it round, and Carly helped me with the face. I also got Mummy to help me, but I don't remember what for.." she paused for a few seconds, "Oh yeah, it was to open the oven - that door is really heavy.."
"Aw," replied Jimmy, "That was very nice. Do you wanna have the first slice since you worked so hard on it?"
"No, you can have the first slice since it's your birthday," KC smiled, sweetly.
"Okay," Jimmy smiled in return.

Author's Note

Hi guys! How are you? Did you like this chapter?

As you already know, the next chapter is Carly's birthday AND Valentine's Day. I'm exited for that, because there is a cute Jimilia scene in it..

-KP x

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