Mr Rivaille. 1

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My 2nd Ereri book. I hope this one goes as well as the first 😂. Anyway hope you enjoy 😊.

{Eren's POV}
The time was 8:15 and class starts at 8:25.
So I decided that I would have a chat with my group of friends.
In the group is: Me, Mikasa and Armin my best friends, Sasha and Connie the mental couple and finally Jean and Marco who both like eachother.
Well when I say my group of friends, I didn't mean that they are all my friends.
*cough* Jean *Cough*

But somehow everyone knows that Jean and Marco liked eachother apart from them themselves. How? I have no idea.

"Hey guys, we should all meet after school in that new cafe!" Sasha announced.
"Oh that would be great Sash." Armin replied
"Who's up for it?" Sasha asked.

We all shouted with a 'Yes'

After another 5 mins the bell went off signalling for the first class.
Oh and did I ever tell you that it was the second week of the year.
I am now in year 11 (Age 16 - 17)

I was walking with the group. Which luckily we were all in the same class.
We arrived 2 minutes late outside the door. Which I knew that even though it was a short time, it was a lot of time wasted for Mr Rivaille.

This lesson was French.
So boring. I'm way better at German since I'm from Germany.

He has many rules in his classroom such as;

Rule 1. Do not speak unless spoken to, you will be sanctioned.
Rule 2. Always come prepared with equipment, I will not I repeat not offer you some of mine. Otherwise
You will be sanctioned.
Rule 3. Do not make a mess in this classroom. I absolutely hate unclean rooms, they're bloody disgusting. And it's pretty self-explanatory, you'll be sanctioned.
~ L.Rivaille.

Every class that I have him as a teacher I always seem to be distracted.
I just stare either straight into his eyes, or I get lost in thought about him. Which is kinda bad when it's ya teache-
"Oi, Jaeger. Pay attention to this lesson. See me after class." Mr Rivaille shouted across the classroom.
Most people were grinning or lightly chuckling at this. As I always get distracted and always get detentions after class in his lessons.

I nodded. And got on with the work.

We were all handed a worksheet with sentences that it have to translate from French to English.
Armin did help me a lot through it and I'm pretty sure that Mr Rivaille noticed. But unfortunately he didn't say anything. It's unfortunate because I won't be able to listen to his amazing deep voice agai- FOR FUCK SAKE EREN PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER.'

"Hey Eren, you alright there? You're pretty pale."
"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine..."
Armin nodded.

I think he realised what me and Armin were talking about.

About 5 minutes to the end of the lesson everyone packed their bags and stood up to run out the door so no-one sees me getting murdered.
The bell went off and as expected a mass crowd of people ran out the door.

Mikasa then went up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Tell me what happens at lunch." I pushed her hand away from my shoulder and waved her off.

Mr Rivaille was sat at his desk marking the worksheets we were completing during class.
"E-rm, Mr R-rivaille?"
"Yes, Jaeger?" He stopped what he was doing and crossed his arms and stared at me whilst I was trying to speak.
"W-Well you w-wanted to s-see me after c-lass..."
"Ah, Yes. I was going to ask about two things, first of all what distracted you from listening to me during the class in near enough every lesson you have attended?"

'Ugh, what do I say, I was fucking distracted by his amazing voice, And his handsome face. Ugh that amazing face and voice of yours...'

He glanced up at me and smirked.
"Really, Jaeger?"
"W-wait What?"
"Just re-think What you just said to me. And you'll realise."

"Shit, d-did I say that out a-loud?"
He chuckled and then replied.
"Yes, you did."
Jeez this guy is so straight forward.

"A-nd the second t-thing?"
"I see that your work is similar or near enough the exact same as Mr Alerts work. Did you copy his?"
"Erm, w-we'll I wouldn't say copy. I would more say he helped by passing the s-sheet over?"

"Mhm, okay then Jaeger."
"So, c-can I go t-then?"
"Yes. You may go."

I packed my bag and got up to leave.
I reached the door handle to open it
"Actually Jaeger. Are you able to come here for about 5 minutes at lunch."
"E-r Yes. Wait s-sir, I have Mr Smith next and I'll b-be late-"
"Just say that you were with me."
"Oh okay then. T-thankyou."

I ran to my next lesson which was maths with Mr Smith. But I can't help but think of how awkward it is now between me and Mr Rivaille. I just can't help but look at his amazing face and replay his voice in my head. It's beautiful.

When I walked through the classroom door I was met with a bunch of familiar eyes.
"Ahh, I guess that you are Mr Eren Jaeger, am I correct?"
"Y-yeah, sir"
"May I ask why you were late?"
"I-I was with Mr R-Rivaille..."
"Ahh, Rivaille Mhm? go and take a seat next to... take a seat next to Mikasa."

I walked over to Mikasa and she smiled with slight pink cheeks.
During the lesson I couldn't help but think of Mr Rivaille.
I think I have fallen for my teacher.
But hold on a minute.

'Have I told Mikasa that I'm gay?'

{And here we see the end of Chapter 1. I don't really want to rush things in this book, since they're completely different age groups.
Eren is 17
Levi is 23
I think that this book made sense, I hope it makes sense anyways 😂 You can comment for new ideas or for extra scenes that you want me to have in the fanfiction. ~A}

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