The Cafe. 3

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{Eren's POV}
The time was 3:25, I started packing my bag. I stayed away from Mikasa throughout the day. I seriously can't stand her any longer.

As the bell went I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.
I was about to run when someone called my name.
"Hey, Eren where are you going?" Connie asks running towards me.
"I-Oh, I'm just going home." I give him a confused look.
"I thought you were coming to the new cafe with us lot?"
"Oh my god. I completely forgot about this, of course I'm coming with." I give a wild grin that reaches from ear to ear.

We arrived at the newest cafe in town. It was called:
'Scouting Cafe'.

We all took a seat at a large table on the right of the cafe next to the window.
Me and Connie had already bought ourselves a hot chocolate and a lemon drizzle cake. It was delicious.

After 5 minutes the rest of the group had arrived. The arrived in this order;
Sasha, who then came running towards Connie engulfing him into a big hug and passionate kiss.
"Oh god, get a room you two!" Jean shouts with a disgusted face.
Next came Armin who had a big smile as always and then annoyingly followed by an extremely pale and unpleasant Mikasa.

She looked up to me and smiled with a wave. I just rolled my eyes and looked out through the window.

We had a good time in the cafe, apart from Mikasa. She, as I thought, was trying to flirt and win me back to her.

We were joking about the teachers in the classes, and what new yearly pranks we can do on them.

Last year we put superglue on Mr Smiths biro pens. When he picked them up they got stuck to his hands for about 3 hours.
The year before however was an absolute fail though. We put chilli powder in Mr Zacharias's trousers during PE. It was a fail because we didn't know that he was good at spotting different scents.
Therefore me and jean got isolation for 2 months.

"Hey does anyone want another drink?" I shout over the table.
"Yes Please" Marco asks.
"Omg can I have a coconut milkshake!?" Armin squeals, I happily nod.

"Anyone else?" I ask and gaze my eyes across the table. I start to turn and head to the cashier.
"Yes please, May I have a-"
"Go fuck yourself Mikasa." I answer bluntly with my back facing her.

I head to the cashier when I hear the door bell ring. However I don't think much of it.
"Hello, what would you like?" The cashier asks.
"Yeah, I'd like to ge-" I start until I suddenly get punched in the face.
And fall on the cafe floor.

I look up to see Reiner and Bertolt.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here...Eren Jaeger?"
"Oi get off of him, security! SECURITY!" The staff shout.

I try to push him off by punching him in the jaw.
I scream in Reiners Face.
I spot Jean trying to beat up Bertolt.

Reiner suddenly wraps his hands around my neck strangling me.
"G-get... o-ff..." I suddenly cant breathe and black out.

The front door bell rings.
"Oi, GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" A recognisable voice was heard making the entire area within the cafe tune into complete silence.

{???'s POV}
(Before the cafe)
"Oh my god four-eyes shut the fuck up. Just go in the bloody cafe and order me a black te-"
I walked into the cafe to see some sort of fight between Reiner Braun and wait is that, E-Eren Jaeger?!?

I charge through the door.
I ran up to Braun and kicked him so hard in the chest that he got thrown to the other side of the cafe, crashing into loads of chairs and tables.
I kicked my leg into his face and slammed his head onto the floor making his teeth shatter.

"C-c'mon Reiner, W-we need to run!" Bertolt shouts and picks up Reiner and drags him outside and runs away with him.

I turn to see Eren passed out on the tile floors.
I ran towards him to check his breathing.
I put my ear to his mouth, luckily he was still breathing, but very faintly.

I threw my hands onto his chest and did CPR.
After a few tries, his eyes starting to open.

{Eren's POV}
I slowly opened my eyes but it was really blurry.
As my vision started to focus I could see that the man who had saved me was Levi.

"L-levi?" I asked in a soft tone since a group of friends were behind me.
I slowly tried to get up but instead plummeted. I was about to hit the ground when Levi caught me in his arms.
I turned red. Bright red.

"Eren... are you alright?" He asked in an expressionless tone but I saw his eyes. And his eyes showed worry.
"Y-yeah. I'm okay, for now." I glanced at the group at the table who seemed to be staring gobsmacked.
I stared straight back into Levi's eyes and smiled.

I swear I saw a slight tint of pink, flush onto his cheeks but then it faded and he smirked and lifted me back up.
I said thankyou's as I then went to order Armin's coconut milkshake, Marco's Hot Chocolate And my Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream.
"Okay, that'll be £10.60 please." The woman at the till politely says.

I was rummaging through my pockets until a sudden £20 note was placed onto the counter.
"I'll pay for that" Levi announces.
"N-no, no. You don't have to-" I try to stop him.
"No Eren... I want to." Levi starts.
"Right. you can go to your friends and Mikasa... or you can come and sit with me and them two" Levi whispers the 'and Mikasa' part then points at the two teachers who are sitting at one of the booths.

"Okay then. I'll sit with you three" I smile widely.
"I'll take the drinks to them and you settle down. And by the way, don't mind four-eyes over there and don't say I didn't warn ya."

I start to head towards the two people to happen to be Mr Smith my Maths Teacher as well as my Head Teacher and across from him is Miss Zoe, my science teacher.
"Oh hello there Eren. Nice to see you here." Mr Smith takes his hand out.
"Uh, nice to see you too Mr Sm-"
"Erwin. When not in school, Eren"
"Oh okay. Hello Erwin." I shake his hand with a smile.

I suddenly turn to see a squealing woman.
"OH MY GOD~~~!!! I'm Hanji, nice to see you outside school!"
"Oh god, hello Hanji." I roll my eyes over to Erwin who just chuckled at my response.

{Levi's POV}
I can't believe I left Eren on his own with Eyebrows and Four-eyes. What was I thinking.
Especially how they both know that I'm quite close to the boy. I wouldn't say that I have a crush on him, as that would be unprofessional but I do like him, I guess...

I turn to head to the group of people the table on the opposite side.
They suddenly stop in silence as they see me walk over.
"Oh c'mon guys. I'm not gonna give you a detention for talking when we're clearly outside of school." I start off expressionless.
"Okay... I have people's drinks, Who's is the hot chocolate?"
"It's m-mine sir" Marco says shyly.
I pass him the cup and then turn to the drinks.
"And I'm guessing that the milkshake is for you, Armin."
"Y-Yes. Thankyou Mr Rivaille."
"No problem." I mumble bluntly.

I go over next to Eyebrows and sit opposite Eren.
I glance at Erwin and he winks at me.
I glare back.
"Oh, umm... how are you Eren?"
"I- I'm g-good thankyou."
I nod.

Hanji And Erwin suddenly start talking about random shit about this so called creature named 'Titans'.
But during their conversation, Me and Eren just stare straight into eachothers eyes.

'Oh my fucking god. Them colours are beautiful. How they change colour in the light is incredible, I've never seen anything with such colour and beauty.'

I then continue to look to see a blushing mess Eren.
"Mhm. What was that Levi?" He smirks and Hanji giggles.

Shit did I say that out loud...

{And That was Chapter 3 guys. I hope that was good.
You can check out my other Ereri Fanfiction called.
'Falling' in my works. It's about two boys (Eren and Levi) who are both high schoolers however Eren has
A very bad homelife and goes through a lot of abuse.
You can I and read it, however it may be triggering and has a lot of feels.

But anyway so far I actually kinda like this book.
~ A ❤️}

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