Chapter 9

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At like 3 A.M. I get phone a call.

Kiera(From beginning of story)-Hey guess who only had a sprain ankle and you send me back to America because you exaggerated my injury!!

*Kiera is yelling which wakes Hobi up, and he starts listening*

Me-Huh?(I say groaning)

Kiera-Oh..Were you sleeping?


Kiera-Oh yeah, I forgot about time zones.

Me-Jin has been asking about you..(I was just kidding I just wanted to know what she would say)

Kiera- Show him only good dance videos and pictures and show Yoongi that video of me rapping to Agust d. I swear to go (y/n) if you show that bad video of me falling on my butt while dancing I will fly to Korea beat you up,throw shoes at you, and eat all of your pizza rolls. Do not test me(She says this in all English and in like 3 seconds)

*Hobi hears and asks,"what did she say?" and apparently she heard because..)

Kiera-*Says rant again but this time in all Korean*

(Hobi starts laughing)

Me-Hey! Don't laugh at my pain! And as for Kiera you best not touch my pizza rolls!!! I was just joking about the Jin thing jeez.

Kiera- haha.... you were..Joking??...THATS IT IM EATING ALL YOUR PIZZA ROLLS

Me-NO YOU NOT! (I hang up the phone.)

I jump up and look at Hobi," Okay come on lets go."

"Go where?"He asks.

"To America! There's no way I'm letting her eat all my pizza rolls!"I say laughing and about to get out of bed. He grabs my waist.

"You're going nowhere but back to sleep." He says nusling his head into the pillow.

"Fineeee, but you owe me piza rolls now cause you stopped me from saving my pizza rolls" I say laughing and dosing off again.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," He says fading off into sleep. Soon my alarm goes off. I wake up and see Hoseok not here anymore. He probably just had an early practice today or something I say ignoring it. I get dressed and ready to go shoot the show for today.

I walk down stairs to see a full breakfast on the counter

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I walk down stairs to see a full breakfast on the counter. I see Jin in the kitchen just finishing up cooking. At the table is literally everyone else. So this is where Hobi went... I sit down at the table. "So did you use protection?" asks Tae.

"Dude!" Hobi says hitting his shoulder.

"Sorry about last night..,"Jungkook says.

"It's fine," I say and drink orange juice. I finish breakfast and the car pulls up.

"Byeee!! have fun, and don't loose your job!"Kylee yells. I get in the car and pull up to the studio where I teach the dances. Immediatly the girls ask about the Trinity thing. "I've been meaning to share my side of the story, so.." I say and explain what happened.

"Teacher are you and J-Hope dating?" One of the girls say and it makes me blush.

"I... don't know.. BUT I didn't come here to talk about me I came to teach a dance so, start streching!"I say smiling.

"But teacher! Stretching is harder than the actual dancing!!"A girl says. We finish up stretching and I manage to teach them half of the song. "Okay so next time we see eachother you should have perfected this and I will be watching you preform it and judging you." I say wrapping up my part of the show for the day. I get back to the house and see a note on the counter:

The boys are at their house and I'm at a movie shoot in Busan today. XOXO


Suddenly I get a text from Hobi:

Hobi: Walk outside

I walk back outside and see the best thing ever infront of me... Hobi, Jimin, Namjoon, and Yoongi are outside holding bags of pizza rolls. "OMG"I scream.

"You said I owed you pizza rolls,"He says laughing.

"I could kiss you!" I say out of excitement of the presence of pizza rolls.

"I'm waiting..."Hobi says.

"Gross," Yoongi says about to drop the bag. They put the pizza rolls in the freezer and we hang out in the living room. "Lets watch a movie," Jimin says.

"What kind?" Yoongi asks.

"Comedy?" Namjoon answers.

"Horror!" I say excitedly and all the boys except Hobi agrees.

"Uhhh.. Any other suggestions?"Hobi says awkwardly asking.

"What are you... afraid??" I say to him.

"Yeah," Yoongi answers for him and we laugh.

"No, I mean.. If you wanna watch a scary movie then I guess so." Hobi says with an uncertain face. We watch the movie and instead of the stereotypical guy holds girl thing it was more like... Guy freaks out and makes everyone in the room laugh. "Thought you weren't scared?"Yoongi says smiling. After the movie the boys go to their house and I go take a shower. While in the shower I get a text for Hobi, but while I was reaching for my phone it feel in the toliet. "This would happen to me.." I say and quickly get my phone out of the toliet. I put it into some rice and continue my shower. Afterwards I walk down stairs in a tank top and shorts. While I walk down I see BTS and Kylee along with Got7 on the couch. "Uh..." I say blushing while they all look at me.

"(y/n)! I texted you that they were coming. Put some clothes on."Hobi says rushing towards me and hugging me so they couldn't see me. I mean I was wearing cloths. Like protective much?? "My phone fell in the toliet so I couldn't read the message," I say laughing. He pushes me up stairs, and I put a big hoodie over my clothes. "Satisfied?" I ask him waiting for his approval so I can go back down stairs. 

"Yeah, be more careful next time! You can't just be dropping your phone in toilets."Hobi says smiling.

"It's not like I did it on purpose!" I say laughing and we walk back down stairs to everyone.

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