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A cloud of smoke delicately escaped Violet’s nostrils as she slowly exhales. She brings the stick back to her lips and examines her new room with close scrutiny. Noticing the stream of sunlight the dusty windowpanes ushered in, casting spots of light onto the wooden floorboard. The pale blue wall that her back slumped against flooded the rest of the room in an ironic attempt to brighten the obvious derelict condition of it.

 She stood up collapsing over the bed; face down while rubbing the tip of the cigarette on the metal headboard.

 “Violet we’re home!”

 Her mother’s voice rang from the doorway, followed by the heavy footsteps of her father. Scrambling to spritz perfume around the room, she gathered herself up to confront the depressing ongoing charade, which she called her parent’s marriage.

 Don’t get her wrong; clandestinely she only wanted to please them. Well… mostly her mother. But she wasn’t one to plaster a smile on her face and pretend everything’s okay. She didn’t think of herself as a pessimist, just a harsh realist. And the reality of it was that her father was a cheating scum and she felt for her mother.

 Running down the stairs a grin met her pink lips when she heard the squeak of certain part of the stairwell. Despite her protests of verbal distaste towards moving, she actually liked this house. It had soul. An old one too with a curious personality, and being the peculiar one she is she was determined to familiarize herself with every aspect of the house. The floorboard creaks, the scent of mahogany, the tears in the fading wallpaper. They all approached her as a unique quality, much like a curve in a dimpled smile or a freckled nose.

 “Violet dear we need to talk to you.” Violet whipped her head around to see her mother behind her looking slightly crossed.  

 Following her mother into the kitchen she sat on a stool across from her sullen looking father with his elbows atop the island, his head supported by his hands.

 Her mother sat beside him, her face etched with seriousness. Something’s wrong.

 “Honey I’m sure you know how we left Boston for a fresh start from my…mistake.” Her father started.

 She rolled her eyes. 

 Her mother rubbed soothing circles on the back of her hand, easing the news.

 “And we know we’re asking a bit much of you for going through this whole transition with us. But what your father and I…what we’re trying to get across is…”

“Your mother and I, are considering to get a div-“

Violet didn’t get to hear the rest of it because she sprinted towards the front door, getting as far away from their bullshit as she can. Of course she’d have to deal with the repercussions of acting out, but not yet. She didn’t want to deal with it, with all of this. Her parents simply didn’t understand her. She was very well aware of their situation. After all walls are only so thin. Outside the afternoon sun hung in the Californian sky.

 This definitely wasn’t Boston.

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, realizing that she ran a good few blocks. Far enough where she couldn’t go back and had to confront this new wonderland that she’s been thrust into.

 The city of angels.


It was depressing.

 The streets were ruled over by all sorts of human beings. To be a still point in a constant evolving city makes one feel so obscure and insignificant. And that’s how Violet saw Los Angeles. Through her thick, round Nirvana sunglasses that dimmed her eyes, exaggerating her alien-like persona. Her blasting earphones droned out all other sounds and she was in her own world.

Crossing the street she saw a convenience store up ahead. It was getting dark out; she might as well get a piece of gum for the dinner she knows she’ll miss.

 Walking into the store the dim light above twitched. The place looked a bit rundown but nevertheless pretty neat. She was surprised when she saw a couple kids around her age in the back trying to buy what she thought was rum. She walked towards the candy aisle when one of them approached her. She looked from the corner of her eye to see an older shaggy blonde stop beside her.

“Hey,” he grinned.

 Pulling out her earbud she returned the greeting to him a bit irritated. Wanting to know what he wanted.

 “Hey so are you busy tomorrow night? There’s this new bar opening a few blocks from here and I’m trying to promote it. I’m the bartender, Patrick.” He held out a hand, which she was a bit reluctant to shake, but did so anyways.

 “Yeah, sure I guess. I’m Violet.”

 Patrick smiled widely. “That’s such a lovely name, I’ve always wanted a daughter to be named Violet or something like that.”

A bit confused as to what he was talking about, she saw a brunette man walk towards them. Putting a hand on Patrick’s shoulder as if they’ve been married for years.

“Pat, don’t scare the girl. Why’re you inviting a girl anyways? We want to recruit women, not teenage girls.”

“Chad you’re so rude. She isn’t a child she’s probably in college or something. Just look at her she radiates maturity. How old are you darling?” he inquired.

“19.” She lied. Normally she didn’t like lying, it was a stupid thing teens would do. She considered herself better than that. She didn’t have anything to hide or gossip about. She was straightforward and truthful. Except his offer seemed too intriguing for her age to intervene with.

“See! Chad you couldn’t even tell the color difference between fuchsia and magenta. Leave it to you to criticize someone on the age you assume they are.” He smized.

 “Ugh, well sorry darling. Hope you can come then.”

Violet nodded and smiled at the two. She watched them walk away with a fierce pep in their step. They made a cute couple.


“Where have you been young lady?” Violet was just creeping up the stairs after sneaking in through the front door. She looked up the stairwell to see her father apparently having witnessed her entrance.

 “I was just taking a walk dad, chill out.” She proceeded in walking back up until he blocked her way.

 “Violet you aren’t getting away that fast. You know your mother and I were very worried about you. We were even considering calling the cops!”

Violet rolled her eyes.

“Well why don’t you two just screw and make up. Have another baby to care for. God, just don’t take it out on me. Screw you guys.” Ducking under his arm she sprinted up the stairs she ignored her father’s protests. Locking her door she plopped onto her bed and took out her iPod. Frantically looking for something, anything to take her away.

 Brainstorm; take me away from the norm.

 Amber. One of the odd calming songs on her playlist that made her feel at peace. She fell onto her bed letting the soothing sounds wash over her worries. Sometimes when she closed her eyes she could go to her ‘happy place.’

 It’s a secluded beach.  She’s sitting on the sand, watching the waves rolling with such massive force, nice and steady, eventually breaking to meet the shore. She could feel the sand beneath her skin, and the sun on her pale figure.

 Then all of a sudden she felt a sudden overcast that blocked the sun’s warmth.

 This is when the tears fall. Where she clutches to her sides and lets her pain escape. Except she didn’t really feel pained. She felt numb, pointless, like an outsider looking in. Despite the steel front that she puts up, this was what she really was. A teenage girl who wants nothing more than peace with herself and the hectic world she has been condemned to. Beside her bedside she saw the sick gleam of a blade and closed her eyes. Allowing her instincts to ensue.

A/N: Hi it's me, i finally fixed the wonky spacing from fanfic :P Tell me what you think! Trust me it gets better than this.

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