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Deciding that it was way too hot to wear a cardigan Violet rummaged through her drawers to find even more bracelets to hide her wrists. Observing the clean scribbles on her skin she stared in fascination. It was sort of healing. And with the bulk of black bands that hugged her wrists like a shield, it was a secret for only her to know. There was nothing to see or talk about.

Looking at the clock she was about ready to leave. Grabbing her grey converse and knapsack she headed out the door. She told her parents she wanted to walk to school in the mornings, and that’s exactly what she was doing. While her father went running in the morning waiting on his clients and her mother slept in till noon, she appreciated the silence. Gathering her thoughts about the hellhole she was eventually descending into.

  School wasn’t really a concern for her academically. She loved learning. And as her father bragged to his clients, she was ‘technically’ an academic achiever with a student IQ north of 150. Violet rolls her eyes whenever her father boasts of his only child. She couldn’t hate him for wanting the best for her, even if it meant going to Harvard or some bullshit like that. But she was only trying to make her parents happy. Because god forbid they’ve ever considered her happiness, even with this move to Los Angeles.

 Which drew her towards the conclusion that this, this walk to a Los Angeles high school were one of the examples on how her parents never take into account for her own happiness. She could already envision the scenario, walking down a hallway of beach blonde bitches with their bourgeois designer bullshit and horrid west coast slang.

Oh that was enough for Violet to instinctively grab her Marlboro pack and brush her fingers across to retrieve a stick- that is until someone else’s hands stop hers from proceeding.

 “And just what do you think you’re going to do with that?”

 Violet looked up from the larger rough hand that stopped hers, her light amber eyes looking up to meet with dark onyx ones. She gulped when she noticed the obvious height and age difference between the both of them; all the while a sloppy, dimpled grin met the other boy’s face.

“I-uh, um…” She drew a blank. Her words were failing her and she was afraid the next thing she said would be nervous word vomit, so she shut her mouth and crudely returned her pack 1into her bag. That was until the boy pulled it out of her hand and opened it for her. Nervously meeting his gaze she slowly pulled one out while he dug in his back pocket for a lighter. Sparking the flame to her stick he stared fascinated as an equal burning glowed in her eyes.

“I don’t mean to encourage your vices, even though I am, but I’ll just have to remind you not to do this again on or near school grounds.” Tate replied coolly. “I’m Tate, by the way.” He held out his hand.

Violet returned the greeting and gripped his warm hand with her icy cold ones. “Violet.”

 “Violet.” He repeated. She nodded in acknowledgement. After a couple seconds she abruptly withdrew from their close distance at an attempt to maintain her composure. Lightly tapping out the ashes from her cigarette.

“Well Tate, appreciate the warning and whatever. See you around.” She replied keeping her cool. Turning around she slowly walked away from him and continued to inhale her smoke until the school entrance came into better view. Eventually stubbing it out with her shoe. While walking up towards the steps and into the hallway she looked around. Trying to find her locker-

“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Violet turned around to see a raging brunette girl pounce towards her. The girl was obviously older than Violet, with an icy blue stare that didn’t falter when she was up in Violet’s face.

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