Space age love song

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Violet ran her hand over her dark green duvet, her back propped against her pillows as she peered out her bedroom window. Her clothes and hair still soaked from the rain, she sat cross-legged on her bed. From where she was sitting she had a good view of Tate's car parked across the street from her house. The rain subdued into a slight drizzle, regardless the air still hung damp and cold. At the moment she was contemplating her options. Should she really take Tate up on his offer or stay home?

Downstairs she could hear the creeks of her father's every step as he paced around his office. She was quite aware of the headaches she causes her parents though she thought those shitheads deserved every minute of it.

Looking towards her nightstand she saw the book Lolita on her nightstand, it was still open to the last page she read at detention. She reached over to grab it, closing it roughly until she held both ends of the cover. Violet tossed it over to her colorful rug that lay before her bed, the book joined her open laptop and neatly stacked pile of CD's that she recently made. Her room wasn't in too much of a mess considering how she's been cooped up in there for the week without her parent's knowing. She knows that the call from the school tattling about her absences is soon to come, but with her parent's own shit going on she knew they'd be too preoccupied to care.

"Violet, come down here there's someone here to see you." Her mother's voice travelled up from below the staircase, startling Violet.

She thought of how it couldn't be Tate, of how he couldn't have the balls to come in. Deciding against rushing to meet him at the bottom, she swiftly got off the bed and headed towards her peeling white drawers. She stripped off her wet layers and squeezed out her hair.

Grabbing a pair of maroon tights from her drawers and rolling them up her slender legs she headed to her closet, slipping on her navy lace trapeze dress that hung at her shoulders and flowed down a little above her knees. She picked up one of her black cardigans to cover her bare arms. It's been a week since she last cut but it was still too risky for her parents to see. As she headed towards the door, she slid her feet into her favorite beat-up rip-off Doc Martens.

Opening her door she could hear a conversation between Tate and her father downstairs, probably from within his office. As she walked down the hallway and closer down the stairways, she could make out their words clearer.

"So Mr. Langdon, is it? How long have you known Violet?"

"Oh please Mr. Harmon, call me Tate. And I've um, only known Violet from the first day of school at study hall. She showed great interest in literature and being an English teacher I've kept an eye on her throughout the school year."

"Mr. Langdon are you aware of any odd behavior from Violet in school or witnessed anything strange from her? My wife Vivian and I are very concerned for her and she seems to shut us out a lot. I myself am a psychiatrist and you know kids these days, they're so hard to get a grip on. Besides school she seems to be putting herself through a sort of self induced isolation at home and I really don't understand it."

Violet crept down the stairs and rounded the corner towards her father's visiting area for his patients. There below the dim lights of the tiffany fixtures she saw her father's back faced to her, she peeked behind the wooden door that divided the foyer and the room and caught a glimpse of Tate. His chin tilted upwards to face her father, a couple dark blonde hairs falling into his tired eyes. She realized just how odd he must appear to her parents. Beneath his gray cardigan he wore a Ramones raglan band tee with jeans that ripped at both knees.

Just the sight of his Ramones shirt made her laugh a little, loud enough for Tate to hear.

His gaze on her father dropped and he looked past him. There he saw half of Violet's face hiding behind the big wooden door. As suddenly as he looked to her he retreated his gaze back to her father.

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