poems (english)

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some love poems :) i think they all fit darvey in some way and i wanted to share them with y'all! hope you like them as much as i do❤️


i hate myself for it. i hate myself for loving him so fucking much.

and the worst thing is that i stop myself from falling in love with somebody new, because they are not him and they'll never be.

and i still hope with every bone in my body that it'll be us in the end.

yes, i flirt with every other woman.
but when it comes to love,
you're the only woman.

being able to put someone else's happiness before yours. that speaks loudly.
that's love; in the most pure, beautiful and painful way.

it's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's harder to give up, when you know it's everything you want.

let's get drunk and tell each other all the things we're afraid to say sober.

,just friends', huh? well ,just friends' don't steal secret glances at each other when the other isn't looking. ,just friends' don't get jealous when the other one talks about someone else. ,just friends' don't get butterflies from each other. ,just friends' don't hold each other like that. ,just friends'? yeah right.

is it possible to be or to stay friends with someone you're madly in love with?
i don't think it's possible, but people try to make it possible. Maybe because they're afraid of a heartbreak or the friendship is too important or whatever shit people make up in their heads. but let me tell you something.
life is short & as soon as you're madly in love, it's worth the risk, it's even worth a heartbreak.
because maybe, just maybe, it's the only chance of love you get.

maybe it won't work out. but seeing if it does would be the best adventure ever.

maybe we're not meant to be. but that would make our love even stronger.
cause even tho we're not meant to be,
we somehow always find our way back to each other.

he wanted to tell her that he knew her favorite book and her coffee order and the way she always tapped her fingers on her thigh when she was in thought. he wanted to tell her that he prided himself in the fact that he memorized the freckles on her skin and how they were like miniature stars forming their little constellation. he wanted to tell her that he would be there for her, on the bad days, too.
he wanted to hear her laugh and know that he was the reason. he wanted to tell her that she could call him at 2:53 and just cry and he would completely understand. he wanted to tell her that she completely beguiled him; that she was his entire world. instead he smiled at her, when he passed her in the halls.

and i keep asking myself;
don't you see it?

don't you see how we're completing each other?
don't you see that we're fixing each other?
that we understand each other without words?
that we know each other better than we know ourselves?
that we can't hold/touch each other because it would make us shiver?
that each other's presence makes everything easier?
that we bring out the best in each other?

and still, i keep asking myself;
don't you see it?

maybe you know you're in love;
when you can't put it into words,
how the other person makes you feel.

my life is full of darkness, full of anxiety and loneliness. but when she's there, it all feels less heavier.

you know, it's because of you, that i can't fall in love with somebody else.

being in love with somebody you can't be with must be the most painful thing ever.

i love the way he looks at me when he thinks i don't notice, because in that moment his eyes say exactly how he feels about me.

let's pretend we're friends
maybe then the feelings will disappear.

how much must she love you, that she always forgives you for all the things you do wrong and for all the times you treat her like sh*t?
-mike to harvey

i choose you. and i will choose you over and over and over again. without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. i'll keep choosing you, because i love you.

you know she's in love with you right?
i can hear it in the way she says your name.
i can see it in the way her eyes began to sparkle when she saw you.
i can feel it in the way she talked about you like you put the stars in the sky.
i just know it.
-paula to harvey

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