therapy (english)

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„I told you what you wanted me to, so-" Harvey said. Harvey had used the past hour to tell his therapist about nearly everything he wanted to say, but Mr. Lipschitz didn't seem to realize how big of a deal that was for Harvey.

„Harvey." Mr. Lipschitz said and tried to calm him down.

„No, go on. Tell me what you think. You obviously wanna say something, so why don't you just come out and say it?" Harvey argued, anger raising up in his chest. He felt hurt and confused.

„That's not-" Mr. Lipschitz replied, trying to stay calm himself.

„Yes, it is. Say it." Harvey said loudly.

„Calm down." his therapist said with a steady voice, but he was interrupted by Harvey, again.

„No. Say it. For gods sake, say it!" Harvey said. His voice was raising every time he spoke.

„Harvey, I..." Mr. Lipschitz replied.

„Say it!" Harvey snapped.

„Okay, you wanna know, what I think about it all?" his therapist asked, now a bit loaded himself.

„Yes." Harvey replied, still angry.

„Honestly, I think that you are an idiot. You have trust and abandonment issues because of what happened with your mom and with Donna and I am sorry for that. I am sorry, that all the people you loved left or disappointed you. But you have to stop acting out. As far as I can tell, Donna has been there for you, sacrificed everything for you and helped you achieve your goal for the past thirteen years! And because she's teaming up with Samantha now, you feel like you are allowed to treat her like shit. I am sorry Harvey, but I can't blame her, if one day that's not enough for her anymore. And you can't either. You are so afraid of that day and that makes you pretty angry, because you never wanted to be that close to somebody again. So close, that it would destroy you if she ever left. And that's why you are acting out. You blame her for your being in love with her..." Mr. Lipschitz said and became very quiet at the last few sentences.

Harvey knew he is right. This guy figured him out better, than Donna has ever been able to. Of course he knew that Donna has earned her position, more than he does probably. He is a good lawyer, no question, but he would have never come this far without her by his side.

AN: I wrote this, because I was pretty angry about everything Harvey said to Donna. We all know that he didn't mean it, but still. I know it's not that realistic, because therapists shouldn't be subjective, but I just needed to let my anger out. Harvey can be the biggest jerk ugh, Donna deserves better.

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