you make me smile (english)

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AN: Possible moments from season 9. Seriously I would love to see a scene between Donna and Louis like this one..and I would love for Donna and Harvey to finally take an elevator together. Hope you have fun reading!

„Good morning, Donna." Louis said, when he entered her office, „Are you okay?"

„Yes, yes I am fine, Louis. Why?" Donna replied and looked up from her work, a slight smile plastered across her face.

„You missed the hearing..and I thought-" Louis explained, worry and confusion flashing over his face.

„I am good, Louis. I..just couldn't be there. I hope you can understand that." Donna said, still smiling.

„Yeah, I do...what is going on?" Louis asked then, the confusion in his voice wasn't able to be overheard. They were talking about a serious topic here and Donna couldn't seem to stop smiling.

„What do you mean?" Donna asked, looking down on the work in front of her, again. She felt caught and her cheeks turned into a slight rose, but Louis didn't seem to notice.

„Why are you smiling like that?" Louis asked, „I really don't wanna ruin your good mood, but the firm is going through yet another name change and the last time I checked, Harvey lost his client and you two were on bad terms."

„ sorry Louis..I just can't stop smiling." Donna replied, a soft giggle escaped her mouth, at the mention of his name.

„Oh my god..did you just giggle?" Louis asked perplexed, „Did you and Thomas made up?"

She shook her head slightly in surprise, still smiling.

„Uh..yeah. Something like that." Donna said and Louis couldn't help but smile.

„Well, I am very happy that you did, Donna." Louis stated and he really was. He loved Donna and she deserved happiness more than most people he knew.

„But that's not what you came in here for. So, what do you need?" Donna replied and Louis sat down across from her. They discussed some paperwork and agreed on calling in a partner's meeting at 12:00 p.m. When Donna started packing her things a few hours later to head home, someone entered her office.

„Hey." Harvey mumbled in a soft voice. He didn't wanted to scare her.

„Hey..I thought you already left." Donna replied and looked up just to see him smile at her.

„Well..after all we wanted to spend the night at my place. I promised to pick you up, remember?" he asked then. She laughed at his shyness, but didn't tease him about it. She loved that side about him, he could be so sweet.

„Sure. I was just about to head out anyway." she answered and packed the computer into her bag. They walked to the elevators side by side, silence filled the hallways.

„So, how was your day?" Donna asked, when they entered the elevator and the doors closed in front of them. He looked at her for a moment and he was totally swept away by her beauty. Her beautiful red hair was softly falling down her shoulders, her skin even paler than usual, because of the small lights in the elevator, who didn't spend much light at all.

„It was good.." he murmured before pressing his lips hungrily against hers. Donna was surprised by his sudden move, but she couldn't help but feel a little turned on, after all they had 13 years to make up for. He pressed her against the elevator's wall, careful not to hurt her, but at the same time his movements were filled with passion.

„So, I take it you missed me?" Donna asked out of breath, when they parted.

„I did." he admitted and a slight smile grew on his face, „You are so beautiful, you know that?"

„I do..but thank you." Donna replied and she blushed slightly. Than they just stared at each other, so lost in each other's eyes that you were practically able to see the electricity between them. His eyes gave her the answer to the question she's been asking herself for the better part of a decade: he was in love with her. She smiled and her smile told him his answer too: she loved him, too. They both were fully aware that this, their everything, wouldn't be easy, but they were both willing to make it work, more than anything else. And as much as Donna wanted to hold on to their moment of emotional availability a little longer, she knew that they would arrive soon and she didn't wanted to broadcast their relationship on it's first day, even though it was late and most people had already left.

„We are on the third floor, Harvey.." Donna murmured and he understood. With a last quick kiss on her lips, he put some distance between them by stepping back.

They walked out of the firm, side by side, still a little out of breath by their little interaction in the elevator, exchanging stories about their day. When they exited the firm, they intertwined hands and it looked like they were ready to go through any kind off storm together. Anyone who didn't know who they were would probably think that they have been together for years and not just for one day. But that's who they are: different.

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