you, it's always been you (english)

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First post in 2019, here we go:

„Come on Donna, you can't tell me that I am a bad friend one second, but not let me in the next one." Harvey said in a serious tone.

„I never said you were a bad friend." Donna replied, trying to get their conversation into another direction.

„I want to be your friend, okay? Let me in. Tell me what happened between you and Thomas..and whether I should track him down to kick his ass!" Harvey said. His voice was soft at first, but then it turned into a more serious one. The one that should convince Donna that it wasn't just an empty threat.

„You are not gonna do that. I am the one who ended it." Donna confessed quietly, trying to avoid his look.

„Why? I thought you were happy.." Harvey said confused. It hurt to say that, but for once in his life he wanted to actually put her first.

„I was happy.." Donna mumbled, lost in thought for a moment.

That hurt pretty damn much. And there was his reason why he practically never asked her about her relationships.

„I don't understand..why did you..uh broke up then?" Harvey asked quietly. He really didn't get it.

[AN: Is he really that stupid?]

„You know what Harvey..I really don't feel like talking about this now." Donna replied.

„Donna, come on you know I am not good at this whole „feelings" me out here. I really want to understand it." Harvey said and his eyes told her that he meant it. But was that enough?

„I don't know's complicated." Donna responded. She felt small and vulnerable and she hated that feeling.

„Why?" he asked quietly. It was their ultimative question.

Donna's heart sank. She had to make an decision within the next few seconds that could change her life completely.

„Why do you care so much about this anyway? I thought you didn't like him." Donna said then, trying to at least delay that decision.

„I never said that I didn't like him." he replied.

„But you did anyway." Donna stated the obvious.

„Look Donna, I..I want to be there for you, okay?" he answered softly.

„Why?" she asked then, watching his reaction very closely.

„Because your my best friend..and-" he started, when Donna interrupted him.

„Harvey..I am really tired and I just wanna go home, okay?" she said and stood up from her chair. It was really late and almost everyone had already gone home.

„Why?" he asked then. He didn't know where this sudden urgency came from, but he desperately wanted to know why she ended things with Thomas.

„Harvey.." Donna signed.

„Sorry, I was just trying to be a good friend." Harvey said and stood up, too. He was almost out the door, when Donna whispered: „It's you."

„What?" Harvey asked, turning around in disbelief. He must have misunderstood her.

„Uh..nothing, forget it." Donna mumbled and started packing up her things.

„Did you say that I am the reason?" Harvey asked quietly.

„Well, yeah, there you have your answer." Donna replied. She felt like she was on high voltage. This could be the turning point in their relationship.

„What do you mean by that?" he asked then. Deep down he knew what she meant, of course he did. Who would he be if he didn't?

„Gosh Harvey, for someone who is usually ten steps ahead, you are a mile behind." she said, anger raising in her chest, „I broke up with Thomas, because of you. Like in all of my other relationships, you were like a third person in my relationship. It's like you are always there -in the back of my head- and you just don't leave. Ever."

Harvey was totally shocked, surprised and stunned by her confession. He sat back down, just like her.

„I get it. When I was with Paula, it always felt like you where there, too." he admitted quietly.

„Do you realize how crazy this is..I mean what's wrong with us?" Donna asked then. She would laugh, if only this wasn't so serious.

„We are definitely not normal." Harvey agreed and his lips curved slightly.

„You want a drink?" Donna asked, suddenly feeling a thousand tons lighter. It wasn't like they cleared anything up yet, but it felt like they were finally on the same page. Maybe even ready for their „everything".

AN: Comment if you want a sequel!

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