Awkward First Times (Smut! One-Shot)

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I can not count how many times I cringed while writing this, it was most certainly an experience to learn from and it wasn't exactly unpleasant. Just really awkward when the only experience you've had is reading smut???? Another thing is when I had to go into DETAIL I NEARLY COMBUSTED. Also I get embarrassed easily so my face has been burning up for so long I'm pretty sure it's going to stick that way
//The word 'cum' or 'cumming' makes me cringe so bad oh my gOD//
(I went on the Voltron wiki for Altean time phrases because wowie time for them is WEIRD)

Deca-Phoeb: a year
Movement: a week

(Unedited so may contain errors)

Lance couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something in his and Keith's relationship was evolving.

Things felt different from before, and it was a good different according to him. The awkward faze of blushing while holding hands and nearly combusting upon sharing a quick kiss had faded after a year of dating. However, Lance could confidently say that was not the case on their attraction; in fact, it seemed the two had fallen even more in love lately.

"I can't believe you did that to their leader!?" Pidge howled, small hand smacking against the table as hiccuping laughter emerged from their throat. Hunk sat to the side all while attempting to keep a straight face, failing completely as he nearly spit his food goo across the long table.

"He deserved it and you know it" Keith chuckled, nodding his head all while holding Lance's hand beneath the large barrier above. Shiro looked over with a fatherly glare, lips quivering at the edges slightly to give away his true feeling on the subject, "That was not very diplomatic of you". Coran made a sort of snort from where he sat, the utensil in his grasp raising to the ceiling like a wielding sword.

"I think justice was served today, that planet was uncultured anyway".

A small smile creeped onto Lance's face as he took a bite of his food, chewing happily while running a thumb over his boyfriend's rough knuckles which were scabbed from endless fights. The atmosphere was very domestic, all the paladins and two Alteans enjoying dinner like a family, sharing stories and exchanging laughter over ridiculous commentary. Lance was bursting at the seams with happiness.

"So" Allura asked, leaning over the table slightly with a graceful demeanor, every inch of her a princess even once she was comfortable, "are you two done with the courting faze yet?".

Keith noticeably choked on his food, fist coming up to beat against his chest as Lance reached out to pat gently between broad shoulders, still clutching the hand in his grasp with love.

"Courting? Isn't that, like, an animal thing?" Hunk asked, adjusting his bandana while lounging back in his chair, seemingly intrigued with the entire subject. Coran made a tutting noise at the question, elbows coming to rest on the table with a soft thump, fingers interlacing as his chin rested against every crooked knuckle.

"Things on Altea are different than your earthling traditions, when we find our life partner we would begin courting them, usually with small gifts and affectionate attention. It's quite romantic compared to your more......blunt.....way of what you call 'dating'." He spoke, mustache quirking as all eyes turned to listen intently, "The courting lasts anywhere from a few Movements to even many Deca-Phoebs, it's grueling but worth it for what comes after".

Shiro looked up from his plate with unwavering curiosity, undoubtedly hoping to embarrass Keith even further. "What comes after?" He asked, smirking as Keith sent a dirty glare towards his brotherly companion, chapped lips pouting in an adorable way that made Lance want to kiss it right off.

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