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Harry's POV :

"Harry , I know we have to be early for filing the reports today but I just can't do it" Louis groans and I hum , placing my phone against my ear.

"Bro , I don't think I'm gonna be early either. I drank too much. This is why I don't drink at all. Hangovers fuck me up" I mutter, trying to lift off my left hand to rub my eyes but it doesn't budge.

"It's all cuz of Evelyn, isn't it?" I could literally heard him smirk at the other end , "Bet she's right next to you in bed right now ,isn't she?" He chuckles and I turn to my side - letting out a long sigh.

"Shut up. I would never.." I pause , finally opening my eyes and almost freaking out when I see her lying next to me , more like lying really really close to me , with her head rested on my left arm.

"What?" Louis asks me after my sudden pause.

"Listen , bro. I'll see you at work" I hang up ,not waiting for his reply.

"Fuck. Fuck fuck" I curse under my breath , trying to slip my arms from under her head but stop when she slightly stirs in her sleep.

"Shit" I cuss out when her phone rings and her eyes snap open , widening immediately.

"For Christ's sake" she sits up immediately , letting out a tiny whimper.

"What are you doing in my room? And in my bed?" She pulls the sheets up and covers her naked body , when the sheets ride down - revealing a bit of her breasts.

"Look around" I say , waving my arms around , " This is my room and I think we had sex. Apparently , memories of last night haven't got back to me just yet" I take the sheets off my body and get out of bed , as she runs her fingers through her messy hair in frustration.

"We had a deal. This is all your fault" she says and I stop midway , turning around to look at her.

"My fault? I vaguely remember you wanting me to be the only person you wanted to have sex with last night. Didn't you say that?" I smirk , when her facial expressions drop down.

"Okay, but weren't you the one who wanted to prove the fact that you were good in bed even after years of not having sex with any other girl? God , you were so desperate" she smirks after a pretty good comeback.

"As if you weren't desperate when you were moaning my name" I quirk my eyebrows and she rolls her eyes.

The events of last night were getting back now and I gotta admit it was damn good. Best sex I've had in years. It had to be.

"Okay. Okay. Stop." She gets out of bed , picking up her bra from the floor and shuddering when her feet touched the floor.

She walks up to the mirror , holding the bed sheet around her naked body and runs her fingers on the bites on her neck and I look away , walking up to the thermostat to turn it up a notch.

"Um , do you have a turtle neck that I can borrow?" She scratches the back of her neck and I nod my head with a smile.

"You obviously need some pants too" I shake my head , rummaging through my clothes.

"Yes. I'm so fucking sorry. I did not want this to happen at all" she groans , as I hand the clothes over to her.

"Trust me , I didn't want this to happen either."


"That looks really huge on you" I stifle a laugh , when I see her walk out of the bathroom.

"I will be wearing this only until I get to my room. I don't want anyone to see my neck. Thanks to you , mister" she ties up her hair and picks up her phone , getting ready to leave.

OFF GUARD ||H.S|| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now