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Olivia Holt giving us major Evelyn Brooks vibes with this picture at the top 😱😍👆👆👆

Harry's POV:

"Like I said before, I give you full clearance on this mission. I want him caught and killed. Not arrested. Killed." The Director instructs us , as Evey and I walked beside him in the hallway.

"You can take the rogue agents to the interrogation room now. I believe you'd be leaving in about 2 hours? Is that right?" He asks us and I nod , muttering a 'Yes , sir'.

"Go on ahead then. You can report to me once you get back. Good luck , agents. And by the way" he stops walking when we reach the prison cells ,"Only experienced agents who've been working here for a lotta years get to become Seniors. A lot of agents in this agency are jealous of your team's position as Senior Agents. So I suggest you put that into good use. I'm hoping you'd accomplish this mission. Just like all of your previous ones" he nods and the both of us nod back , watching him walk further down the hallway.

"Who isn't jealous of us?" Evey shakes her head , letting out a mocking chuckle and I do the same , walking down the hallway of the prison cells after unlocking the gate by entering the passcode.

"Tell me about it" I nod at the prison guards and walk to the cell where our suspects were kept.

"Oscar , my man" I smile at the guard next to the gate and we stop , waiting for him to open the second gate with his special pass.

"You guys have clearance?" He smirks , crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Elite team , baby. You think we won't have that?" Evey shrugs ,smug smiling at him.

"I'll have to the see the badges just to be sure Agent.Brooks" he extends his palm out and moves his fingers at us , making Harry chuckle.

"You're full of shit. But here ya go" I pull out my badge from my belt with a smile on my face , knowing that Oscar was just messing with us.

"Yeah , yeah. Rub it in ,Styles. You still owe me a bottle of champagne though" he walks over to the gate and runs his pass over the sensor , the gate opening after the red light beeps and turns green.

"For what? Exactly?" I ask him , walking through the gate along with Evey.

"For getting the girl of course" he motions towards Evey who just rolls her eyes and lets out a mocking laugh.

"He'd get you one after this top priority mission. I give you my word" Evey tells him and takes my arm , hugging it and intertwining our fingers together.

"We'll see about that" he waves at us , both of us turning around and stopping at our respective cell , Evey running her pass over the sensor at the door.

"Alright , Emily. What do you want me to play? The good cop or the bad cop? Cuz I can do both and I'm.." I completely forget what I was going to say next when my eyes land on the horrid sight before us.

"That's..that's not possible" Evey runs her fingers through her hair and holds it up with both of her hands , both of us completely dumbfounded to see them laying on the floor with their heads dipped into a pool of blood and bullets to their foreheads.

They were dead. The girl who made my life a living hell , gone.

"Could someone get in through a window or something?" I say the stupidest thing , knowing that there weren't any windows in here. It was a completely sealed room and no one could get in unless they were senior agents or prison guards.

"Babe" I call to her and she stands up to her feet after kneeling down next to Emily and Frederic and checking their pulse.

"There goes our entire plan. Down the drain" I mutter , my heart beating faster as we walked towards Oscar on the other side of the gate.

OFF GUARD ||H.S|| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now