Epilogue ~ My Lover

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After 105 long chapters , Off Guard is officially ending with this chapter 😔 Thanks for reading my somewhat decent display of action-romance content guys❤️😭

Song for the chapter : Taylor Swift - Lover 💓 Pls do listen to the song (especially at the end of the chapter)


*2 days later*

Third Person's POV:

"Evelyn, we have an issue"Millie shouts while she steps into their flat , both of her hands full with heavy bags of groceries.

"What are you on about?" Evey shakes her head , buttering the second slice of bread and placing it on the plate.

"Before we go in to write the reports for yesterday's mission we are going in to see Eric" Millie rambles while she places the bags on the counter , changing her demeanour when she sees Harry walk out of the room while he buttoned up his white shirt , walking over to the couch to pick up his blazer and put it on.

"Why are you guys going there? Is something wrong?" Harry questions , turning on the T.V and smiling at the other boys when he sees them walk in.

"Liam has cancer" Millie casually states and Evey's eyes widen , shifting her glance to a laughing Liam standing next to the couch , pausing his conversation with Zayn.

"Wait. I do?" Liam stops laughing abruptly and turns to Millie, waiting for her answer.

"I was kidding. Our medical reports from the Damian mission are finally ready and we have to submit them along with the logs. He called me this morning and wanted us both to come and pick it up" Millie tells Evey and she nods , frisbee throwing the piece of toast to Harry and he catches it with one hand , taking it to his mouth even though he had his full attention on the T.V screen.

"I get that you guys have nice reflexes and you work well as a team but can you stop rubbing it on my face , please?" Millie holds her hands out , walking over to the plate and grabbing a piece for herself.

"I don't mind going in to pick up the reports. I'm going on for therapy anyway" Niall speaks up and Millie's eyes widen , quickly turning to glare at him.

"No" she blurts out , hurriedly chewing on the toast ,"It has to be Ev and I" she practically growls at Niall and he flinches , putting on a defensive frown.

"Are you alright babe? Is there anything that you're not telling m.."

"Whatever , man. Let the girls do it. We have loads of shit to do , remember?" Harry cuts Louis off and stands up from the couch , turning off the T.V and buttoning up his blazer.

"And what is that? Is that why you're leaving early?" Evey cocks up her eyebrows and dusts off the breadcrumbs from her palms , as she walks over to Harry.

"I'll tell you when it's confirmed" Harry puts on an excited smile and walks towards the door , the other boys getting ready to leave with him.

"Why can't you just tell me now?" She whines , Niall laughing while all of them hurried over to the lift , Harry raising his index finger in the air and spinning it around to let her know that he was moving out and he was done with the conversation.

"Thank God. I thought they were never gonna leave" Millie peeks behind Evelyn and rests her chin on her shoulder , watching the boys get into the lift.

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