17.Warehouse roundup

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Credits for the upcoming mission in these next few chapters goes to CroftDirectioner16

Evelyn's POV :

"Hello , Evelyn" Zayn greets me when I step into the elevator.

"Hey. Sorry I had to leave like that yesterday. It's just.."

"It's like that old saying.'Sexual pleasures before friendship'." He smiles and I force a confused grin.

"I've never heard of that one. Weird" I scoff , letting out a chuckle.

"I told you that you'd be riding Harry's boat very soon and I was right" he smirks , looking at the lift display to check on which floor we're currently on.

"It's not what you think , Zayn. It's just a one time thing. I'm not a relationship kinda.."

"I know. I know. You don't date. But you'll see that I'm right. Very soon" he nods his head dramatically.

He's so mysterious but only in a good way.

"Okay. Why are we being called through our transmitters. I actually didn't know the Intelligence had a transmitter installed in my phone until this morning?" I ask him ,trying to get him distracted.

I didn't like the fact that Zayn always talked about Harry and me everytime we're left alone. Afterall , I've got a feeling that Zayn and I were gonna be bestmates and talking about Harry all the time wasn't helping.

"It's an emergency. The transmitters were put in by 'moi'" He air quotes with a smirk.

"Director's orders" he says and I smile amusingly.

"What emergency? This is exciting. I've never really been on those kinda missions before" I take in a deep breath , anxious about what is to come.

"Let's find out" he smiles at me and I return it.

The lift stops 10 floors before the top floor - where our office was at and the door opens , Harry stepping inside.

"Hey , bro" he waves at Zayn and stands next to him , now turning to look at me.

"Agent.Brooks" he extends his hand out for a shake and I shake it.

"Agent. Styles" I smirk , making him break into a dimple smile.

"Last night was fun" he says and breaks into a chuckle , my eyes widening at his remark.

"I know that Zayn knows, but can you just shut the fuck up?" I snap at Harry , momentarily looking at Zayn who pointlessly stared at the ground.

"Chill. He's cool" he pats him on the back and Zayn chuckles.

"I'm used to all of this shit" he shrugs when the doors of the elevator opens , all of us stepping out.

"Finally. You guys are here" Millie and Louis join us in the hallway , Niall and Liam already waiting for us in the office.

"It's an emergency mission. We deploy now" Louis says , as we enter the office.

"Suit up" Liam throws a file at me as soon as we enter and I was quick to catch and open it.

"Millie,read it to me" I throw the file to her and she catches it in time , rummaging through the sheets.

"Our team has been assigned to work for the royal family" she exclaims , grinning widely.

"Fuck. This is a big deal then" Harry picks up the other copy of our mission file and starts reading it.

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