#2 - "H-Hanahaki...?"

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Seokjin + Namjoon

Side = Taehyung + Yoongi + Jungkook


As everyone, even the Armies, would have thought and guessed, Seokjin would fall in love with Namjoon and have his first Hanahaki for him rather than another member.

That is why he is in the bathroom, coughing up black colored rose petals, as it is Namjoon's favorite color, like it is a normal thing to do.

Seokjin is not stupid. He had heard of Hanahaki before. Many other groups had Hanahaki disease. Chanyeol from EXO had Hanahaki but gladly it turned out to be mutual with Baekhyun.

Thie friends from Seventeen too had it. Vernon to Seungkwan and Seungcheol to Jeonghan.

Seokjin is definitely not stupid to know that Kim Namjoon did not return his feelings back.

He felt tears ran down his cheeks as he silently sobbed. He felt a pair of arms wrapped around his torso from the back and hugged him tight. "Seokjin hyung..." a deep voice chokes out.

He knows that voice so well as it is the voice of his longtime roommate and member.

"Yoongi-ah..." Seokjin whispered. Yoongi cried with him and that's when it hit him square to the face. Yoongi has Hanahaki too like himself. "Who is it, Yoongi-ah?" Seokjin asked.

Yoongi sniffled and tightened his grip a little. "Taehyungie..." he whispered vulnerably. Oh god, Seokjin thought as he sensed no lies in Yoongi's voice.

Sweet lovable Taehyung... is already in a relationship with our baby Jungkook.

Seokjin cried for Yoongi and for himself, both of them crying in each others' arms, trying to figure out how to deal with this painful heartache.

* * *

Seokjin cooked their breakfast without a sound, much to Jimin's and Hoseok's confusion, when the next morning arrives.

Normally, their eldest hyung would crack a joke or two in the morning to brightened up everyone's morning but not today, he didn't utter a single word at all.

Seokjin didn't even notice them in the kitchen with him, staring at him with worried faces as well, for half an hour already.

Jimin felt worried and glance at Hoseok, who look equally concerned himself. Jimin broke the silence.

"Jinnie hyungie." Jimin smiled and hugged Seokjin, who flinched a little at the abrupt contact. "O-Oh..." Seokjin stuttered. "Good morning, Jiminie." he smiled warmly and give a kiss to Jimin's temple.

Hoseok went to Seokjin and hugged him as well. Seokjin returned the hug and kiss his cheek. "Did you two sleep well?" Jimin and Hoseok nodded brightly with a wide smile.

"Have you seen Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung, hyungie?" Jimin asked. "I went to woke them up but both of them aren't in their room. Jungkookie and Taehyungie are in Jungkookie's room." Jimin said.

"Yoongi hyung said he's going to the studio to work on his songs. I don't know about Joonie though because he wasn't here since yesterday." Hoseok said.

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