#6 - "Hi, pretty flower."

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Seokjin hummed as he makes a flower crown for himself with pink and white flowers decorations while waiting for costumers to come by to his flower shop. It's just a hobby to past the time by with. It's a normal day for Seokjin. So far, nothing had destroyed his day yet with horrible incidents.

Suddenly, his bell chimed throughout the entire shop. Seokjin put down the unfinished flower crown and stood up with a bright; pretty smile. "Hi! Welcome to Flowery Jin! I'm Kim Seokjin. How can I help you?" he greeted brightly.

When Seokjin take a good look at his costumer, he couldn't help but to gap at the tall male in front of him. The male has messy purple hair, fitting white shirt with black leather jacket and black pants. His eyes widened at the dimples in his cheek as the other male smile at him. "Hi, pretty flower. I'm Kim Namjoon, tattooist at the parlor across of your shop," he pointed through the door.

Ah... Seokjin realized. He is such a flirt, he thought shyly.

"Min Drop?" the pretty male asked. Namjoon nodded his head in agreement and smiled. "I was just wondering if you want to head over there for a while. Your worker, Hoseok, is there. I can't stand third-wheeling them honestly." Namjoon sighed in exasperation, making Seokjin giggled loudly.

"Wait-" Seokjin stopped laughing. "What do you mean third-wheeling?" he blinked. Namjoon turned awkward instantly. "Remember Min Yoongi? He came here to buy flowers for the parlor and Hoseok was at the counter that time. Uh... they flirted with each other and now in relationship...?" Namjoon trailed questioningly when he saw Seokjin's face scrunched in betrayed and disbelief.

"I would love to go to your shop, Namjoonie! Let's go now, shall we?" Seokjin grab Namjoon's wrist without knowing and turned the shop sign to 'closed', rushing towards the tattoo shop.

He opened the door with a loud bang and yell, "Jung fucking Hoseok! How dare you betray your hyung like this! This is a fucking slander!" He growled and stalk towards the couple with a glare.

"Why am I not informed of this relationship? I thought you said that we should tell each other if one of us is in a relationship? Even Taehyungie told us his interest in that brat. Out of all people, I had to know about this through Namjoonie's mouth that you two are a couple." Seokjin pouted sadly.

Hoseok glance at a mint hair male that Seokjin identify as Min Yoongi. "I- Well- It's... not that I don't want to tell you, hyung... but..." Hoseok hesitated.

"You just have the tendencies to... blurt out secrets to others..."

Seokjin huffed in annoyance, eyes flash in hurt. "Fine. Don't ever tell me then." He turned around and stalked back to his shop and slammed the door close, not even turning his shop sign back to 'open'. He went back to the counter to do his flower crown with a deep frown before he heard a knock on the door.

"Pretty flower...? Are you okay?" Namjoon asked. Seokjin pursed his lips. "Absolutely," he said in a sarcastic tone.

Namjoon hummed and looked over the counter to watch Seokjin thread the flowers together. "That's a pretty flower crown," he commented sincerely. Seokjin smiled slightly. He always takes pride in whatever he does. His smile turned shy. "Thank you," he mumbled.

"You're welcome."

The two of them talked snippets of stories with the elder making horrendous dad jokes, making the younger smile and laugh loudly in second-hand embarrassment. Seokjin laughed his infamous window wiper laugh along with Namjoon. They spent their time talking and flirting with horrible pick-up lines until it was near close time which was late in the evening.

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