#14 - "Did he force himself onto you?"

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Taehyung + Yoongi

For VioletBlink

Taehyung was just an ordinary student with a genius mind and unique personality, who likes to play video games (Overwatch with his best friend, Jungkook).

Yoongi was a jock, captain of the school's basketball team, with a genius mind and cold personality, who likes to make music on his free time.

You could say that Taehyung's admiration for Yoongi could be pass as a crush to say the least.

But typically, like a normal high school drama, Taehyung is a nerdy nobody while Yoongi is a popular jock with so many fangirls and fanboys.

Taehyung sighed sadly as he closed his locker's door when a firm and possessive arm wrapped around his waist from the back.

"Hey, baby," greeted his boyfriend, Hyunbin, in a low growl-y voice.

"Hi, Hyunnie," he greeted back softly, wincing slightly when he back was pushed against his locker door, being kissed senselessly by his too obsessed boyfriend.

Taehyung had no choice but to kiss back, not noticing that Yoongi was watching them from afar with a frown.

Taehyung leaned back, panting slightly as he looked down to the floor as Hyunbin left to find his friends. Why can't I have someone nice like Yoongi? he thought with teary eyes, walking towards the class trying to cover the hickies on his neck.

Hyunbin and him were the cutest couple ever back then when they first started dating a few months back. Flowers, chocolates, cliche love notes and such. But then the other male showed his true colors, possessive and a beast when he yelled at Taehyung for hanging out with his best friend, Jeon Jungkook.

Taehyung wanted to break it off with him but he couldn't bring himself to do so, scared to know what will happen.

"Hey," said a deep raspy voice as he sat down at his spot at the back of the class, snapping the nerd out of his thoughts.

Taehyung froze as the voice was soon stored in his brain, his head shot up to look at the speaker.

Min Yoongi.

The taller panicked slightly as the popular male sat down next to him and the class started without much of a hustle.

"H-Hi.. W-What are y-you doing here..?" Taehyung stuttered.

Yoongi stared at the board blankly as he spoke. "I saw you look uncomfortable with that Hyunbin guy. Did he forced himself on you?"

The brunette looked at the blonde haired male with wide eyes. "I-I.." he stopped, not knowing what to say to him.

He looked down in shame, not answering the question in the end. Yoongi of course saw the look on his face.

"I saw how Hyunbin treated you. That relationship is toxic. You need to stop it before he did something overboard," Yoongi said nonchalantly but Taehyung could feel the genuine worry coming from him.

"And I just saw him making out with that cheerleader captain, Jihyo."

Taehyung felt his eyes stung and before he know it, the tears streamed down his face as he looked at his book, copying the notes written on the board silently.

"I'm sorry if my bluntness hurts you. I guess I should've said it in a nicer way but I doubt the results after that would change anything."

Taehyung shook his head and smiled weakly, wiping away his tears. "Thank you for telling me that, hyung. I appreciate it. Really," he said.

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