#11 - "I hate paparazzi."

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Yoongi x Chanyeol


Breaking News

Park Chanyeol was spotted at a club in Seoul last night with his co-actor of Marriage Disaster and fellow member of EXO, Byun Baekhyun after their comeback show ended last night!


Yoongi sighed as he listened to the reporter speak about the rumors of catching Park Chanyeol with Byun Baekhyun together in the television.

He groaned, feeling a little weird inside his heart, switching the television off and resumed his work, mopping the floor as he pout slightly.

He had always been admiring Chanyeol, from afar of course not that he would admit it out loud, mostly because the taller is a rapper like him.

The only difference is that Min Yoongi is an underground rapper while Park Chanyeol is an idol rapper.

Yoongi had always dreamt to be like Chanyeol, having fans from around the world, having his own concerts and stages, making his own music to inspire others, rapping his way to the top.

He wanted to be an idol just like Chanyeol.

Though his best friends and fellow underground rapper, Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok didn't think like that. They thought that Yoongi might be having a teeny tiny crush on Park Chanyeol. Pfft. That's ridiculous.

Min Yoongi having a crush on Park Chanyeol? Hah. No way!

That boisterous asshole? Hell nah. Definitely a big ass 'nO'.

He got a text from Seokjin saying that the rest of the group including himself would be coming to the coffee shop to help. He sighed and shook his head. Well, we all know that Seokjin would only wanted to see his boyfriend, Namjoon.

Princess Peach

Yoongs! We'll be dropping by, honey! We'll be there in like... 3 minutes?

DT Suga


Kookie Bunny

hyungie can you make me hot chocolate for free? please

Monster Co.

No, Kook. You need to pay for them. That's how the system is.

Jay Hope


DT Suga

Okay, Kook. Get back to work, Hobi. Namjoon, be ready.

Yoongi rolled his eyes fondly at his friends antics, pocketing his phone before hearing a cough behind him, making him yelped and dropped the mop to the floor by accident.

He spun around, eyes a little wide from shock, squeaking. He looked at the tall male before realizing who the call male is. He shrieked a little. HOLY SHIT! IT'S PARK CHANYEOL! Yoongi thought in panic.

"Uhh... Yes? Is there anything you want, Mr. Park?" Yoongi mentally cheered for not stuttering like a shy school girl. Chanyeol looked from side to side before looking back at Yoongi in nervousness.

"I need your help, desperately. Do you think you can help me?" Chanyeol asked.

Yoongi hesitated before nodding his head.

"Sure, I guess... What do you need?" he asked.

"I need you to be my fake boyfriend just for a moment. Please..." Chanyeol begged and Yoongi sputtered, squawking when the taller knelt down.

"Stand up, you dumb Yoda! No need to kneel in front of me!" Yoongi screech, blushing bright red when he saw Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin walked in on them, gaping.

Oh, fuck my life. Yoongi thought as he groaned mentally.

Chanyeol sighed and stood back up, head bowing down to the floor, shoulder slumping.

"I'm sorry for that of you when we're basically strangers but I had known you from my childhood best friend, Baekhyun, whom known it from another friend of his called Kim Taehyung, who's also a friend of yours, I believe?"

"I saw you rapping at an underground club the other day and Baekhyun saw Taehyung-ssi in the crowd and asked questions about you." Chanyeol explained.

"That's when the news about me being in a scandal with Baekhyun came out by accident. Please, Suga-ssi. I need a good alibi to clean it all and-" Chanyeol couldn't finish his sentence when his phone beeped a message.

"Fuck," he cursed. He panicked and groaned. "I hate paparazzi. Fuck them and their life." Chanyeol groaned louder.

Yoongi saw Seokjin and the others already moved behind the counter with Namjoon and Hoseok. He looked at Chanyeol and bit his lips slightly.

"You want to clean your name because you and Baekhyun-ssi are childhood friends and because Baekhyun-ssi already has a boyfriend? You felt guilty for creating the scandal?" he asked to clarify his brain out and the idol male nodded his head.

Yoongi sighed and lowered his tone. "Fine then. Don't turn your front to the door. The cameras are there. Follow me and act like this is some sort of cliché shit drama."

Chanyeol nodded in agreement to Yoongi's suggestion, body straightened up as he follows Yoongi to the window side of the café.

The both of them sat on the booth and Yoongi message his friends.

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