#13 - "That's Not How You Build A Sandcastle."

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Yoongi + Baekhyun

For ArlinaAntonova

Yoongi woke up from his sleep, feeling extremely well-rested and happy. He followed his usual routine and showered first as soon as he stood up from his cozy bed.

"Morning, hyung~!" said a deep but chirpy voice that belonged to his bandmate, Taehyung.

Yoongi hummed and hugged the taller back when the younger wrapped his arms around him.

"Morning, Taetae."

He walked towards the kitchen and watched as Seokjin move around, posture relaxed, as he cooked everyone's breakfast while humming a soft tune.

Yoongi walked towards him silently. "Good morning, Jin hyung," he said behind the calm eldest member.

Seokjin squeaked in shock and turned around quickly. "Yah! Don't surprise me like that!" he scolded the younger.

Yoongi smiled and chuckled softly as he helped his hyung cook breakfast; scrambled eggs and bacon.

Seokjin hugged him from the back and pecked his temple. "Good morning to you too, Yoongs. How was your sleep?"

Yoongi hummed as he leaned back, comforted by the warmth Seokjin emitted. "Surprisingly well, hyung. You?"

"The usual," the other male answered with amusement as he pulled away and place the plate on the table.

Seokjin yelled loudly at everyone to come and have their breakfast. Yoongi could only watch with a fond exasperation. That hyung..

He sat there at his usual seat and eat silently, listening to the clanking noise of chopsticks and chatters before standing up, finished his food first.

"I'll be in my studio if anyone wants to find me. I'm gonna clean the place up a bit," the soft blonde haired male said.

"Okay, hyung!" Jimin smiled at him widely. "If you need help with anything, all of us are free for today!"

Yoongi smiled back, nodding. "Thank you."

So here he was, halfway through cleaning his stuff from his studio, The Genius Lab, when he stumbled across a familiar looking medium-sized box on the shelf. Huh.

Curious, he opened the box and instantly the fond memory he kept surged to his mind as soon as he saw the picture frame of him and the boy he had a crush on that time and the things inside the box.

____________ Flashback ____________

10 year old Yoongi was sulking as he walked down Busan's beautiful beach. Him and his family had came here for a vacation to release some stress.

His parents had went on a date with each other and his brother was busy making new Busan friends while he was left alone to explore the beach on his own.

Yoongi hummed tunelessly and kept on walking by the shore until he saw a cute boy playing with the sand, making sandcastle.

The boy was so adorable. His chubby cheeks and his eyes were small much like his own, his slender fingers patting the sandcastle, his button nose scrunched up slightly but his boxy smile was what attracted Yoongi's attention.

He's cute, Yoongi thought before approaching the boy silently. "That's not how you build a sandcastle."

The boy was startled and looked at Yoongi in confusion. "What do you mean?" the other asked with a hint of Busan accent in there.

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