#6.5 "Polygamy you said?" (M-Rated)

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Jimin and Hoseok looked at each other with mixed feelings, a little shy before walking off towards Yoongi's apartment in silence. Though, Jimin couldn't stand the tension before breaking it by asking about Hoseok's story.

"I came from Gwangju but moved to Seoul because I studied here. I lived nearby Jin hyung's shop and worked there part time when I was still studying. I met Yoongi hyung a few years ago since he worked at the tattoo parlor across Jin hyung's."

Jimin listened quietly and nodded his head. "What did you studied for?" he asked. Hoseok grinned. "My major was Dance and my minor was Music." At the mention of 'Dance', Jimin instantly perks up. "You dance?! What genre do you like? I took Dance course too with Fine Arts as my minor! I like contemporary and hiphop!"

Hoseok clapped his hands excitedly at their same interests. "Same! I have a studio and I work as a dance teacher! You could come with me sometimes and teach the students how to dance!" the orange haired said. They both high-fived, stopping their track in front of Yoongi's door. "I guess compromising wouldn't be so hard since we're so much alike." Jimin giggled as he said it and Hoseok nodded his head in agreement.

Jimin knocked on the door thrice, waiting for a respond and heard Yoongi yelled, "Did you lose your keys again, Jungkook? I swear to god- Oh."

Yoongi's words faltered as soon as opened the door to see Jimin and Hoseok standing in front of his apartment door. "W-What...? W-What are you both doing here...?" Yoongi stuttered. Jimin glanced at Hoseok before smiling shyly. "Hoseok hyung and I came with an agreement and we would like to talk to you about it, hyungie..."

Yoongi looked at Hoseok to confirm it. "O-Oh... O-Okay then..."

The three of them walked inside Yoongi's apartment and sit on the couch with Jimin to his left and Hoseok to his right. "W-What was the a-agreement you two t-talked about?" Hoseok smiled and leaned his body against Yoongi's. "We kinda thought, with the help of Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Seokjin hyung, that we should try taking a risk of having polygamy, Jungkook's idea, since... Jimin and I both love you."

"And we know you love the both of us just as much," Jimin added. "We would want to try polygamy. It wouldn't be that hard for Hoseok hyung and me to compromise with each other since we're quite similar in a few aspects. We just want your consent for this but we understood if you disagree with it."

Hoseok nodded. Jimin held Yoongi's hand in his own as a sign of comfort. Hoseok did the same and sighed lightly. "We want to try it out." Yoongi stared at the wall in silence, contemplating the idea over his head. Jimin and Hoseok waited patiently. Yoongi weigh out the consequences of polygamy before deeming it as worth the shot before asking, "Polygamy you said?"

Jimin and Hoseok nodded to Yoongi's question.

"O-Okay... I agree. I want to try it out too with the both of you." Yoongi agreed, making Jimin and Hoseok cheered and hug the elder. It makes Yoongi wondered what he did in the past to deserve such beautiful males in his arms right now.

Hoseok and Jimin smack Yoongi's cheeks with a peck. Jimin turned mischievous and looked at Hoseok. The other seemed to know what the other was thinking and grinned.

Jimin quickly crawled over to sit on Hoseok's lap and wrapped his arms around the latter's neck with a cheeky grin sent to Yoongi's way. "Oh shit," he heard Yoongi muttered as the eldest turned wide eyes at his two lovely boys. Hoseok placed his hands on Jimin's waist and pulled him closer before kissing the youngest plump lips.

The both of them make out without caring about their boyfriend watching them with lust and love, trying to tease the other male to his limits. Jimin then pulled away from Hoseok's lips, panting while looking at Yoongi's pupils blown eyes. Hoseok couldn't help but to coo at the cute kitten.

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