#12 - "Kim Fucking Seokjin"

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Chanyeol + Seokjin

For jinkookislove

Chanyeol never knew a male could be so beautiful before until he met Byun Baekhyun. That petite male that he called his best friend and band member is the epitome of gorgeous itself.

But Kim Seokjin.

Kim Fucking Seokjin made Chanyeol absolutely stunned.

Don't get him wrong, he loves Park Jimin since he is Chanyeol's bias in BTS.

That dude made him so gay that he should wear rainbows the next time he goes out with his hyungs and dongsaengs.

Min Yoongi made him see rainbows too-

But Kim Fucking Seokjin absolutely wrecks him so aggressively with his handsomeness that he shit rainbows out of his ass.

Jesus, that made him sound so gay-

Oh wait, he is gay.

Definitely gay for Kim Seokjin.

Chanyeol groaned into his hands as he mulled over his thoughts. "I sound like a creep thinking about that hyung."

"Thinking about who?" asked a familiar voice that Chanyeol knew belongs to his best friend, Baekhyun.

Chanyeol yelped and cursed loudly when his knee hit underneath the table. He rubbed his knee and turned to look at Baekhyun with a light glare.

"Don't scare me like that, Baek! I almost flipped my shit out!" he huffed like a child.

Baekhyun only laughed and sat on Chanyeol's bed across from his own to look at the tall yoda. "Eh? What's got you so deep in thought? And what were you muttering about earlier? Tell me, Yeol~!" Baekhyun begged.

"You know that Jiminie is my bias in BTS, right?" he started and a bright boxy smile flashed towards him as an answer from the smaller.

"I've been thinking about Seokjin hyung a lot lately ever since I MC-ed with him, Irene and Sana last year."

Baekhyun stared at him dreamily. "Ah, that hyung can pound my ass any-"

Chanyeol shrieked and throw a pillow at Baekhyun's face before he could continue any further with his sexual sentence.

The other laughed for a while before he sobered up slightly. "I heard from Junmyeon hyung that you will MC with him again in a few days?"

Chanyeol nodded his head in defeat. "I don't know if I could even look at that man, Baekkie! He's too beautiful! I feel like I've committed a sin if I look at him."

The singer snorted as he burst out laughing again. "Damn you got it bad, Channie!"

The rapper whined and buried his face in his hands, feeling utterly embarrassed.

Baekhyun patted his shoulder gently with his slender feminine fingers. "It'll be okay. Why don't you spend time with him first before the MC-ing thing started? Hm? Maybe you could get your awkwardness with him out of the way?"

Chanyeol smiled weakly. "Thanks, Baek. Do you have his phone number?" he asked.

Baekhyun shook his head. "I don't but I could ask Taehyung for it? Or maybe you could ask Yoongi hyung since you have his number."

"Can you ask Tae?"

"Sure. Wait for a moment, I'm gonna send him a message."

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