#4 - "I Love You..." (M-Rated)

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Yoongi + Chanyeol

(Side Taekook and Namjin)

Yoongi hates bullies. That is a worldwide known fact. He hates it when people got bullied by someone. He hates it when someone bullies someone else. He most definitely hates being bullied by someone namely Park fucking Chanyeol.

"Hey, shortpants!"

Yoongi scoffed at the nickname. For someone who is a bully, Chanyeol sucks at giving nicknames as an insult. How stupid and even more ridiculous can this dumbo giant be?

However, Yoongi ignored him. As what he did always. Though that didn't stop Chanyeol from coming to him like always.

Suddenly, he was being shoved to the locker door harshly. "Oof!" Yoongi huffed. He turned to look at Chanyeol with a bored with a tinge of annoyed face.

Park Chanyeol is a famous celebrity in the university. He's a rapper in a famous group called EXO, a model, an actor and a composer. Girls and guys fawned over him like ants attracted to a sweet sugar. Perks of being tall, handsome and a hot stuff. Yoongi frowned.

"How dare you ignore me!" Chanyeol growled infront of him. Yoongi's lips thinned. "So what? There's other people out there for you to bully. So shut up and get lost for the umpteenth time. I need to get to my class." Yoongi said in a nonchalant voice.

Chanyeol pinned him to the locker before he could turn around and get his books, ready for the next class. Yoongi winced slightly when his back pressed against the locker's knob.

The short male could feel eyes around him and most definitely could feel that those eyes are practically glaring at him in despise because their beloved Park Chanyeol are looking at him and touching him.

Yoongi scoffed inside his head. Pathetic just like their idol.

Chanyeol sighed. "Why won't you just listen to me for once? Why do you always have to make me lose my temper?" he asked. "There's nothing for me to listen to and you losing your temper is not my fault." the other male bite and shove him away.

He felt his eyes trickled with tears of shame. He liked Chanyeol since first grade mostly because he was nice to him but not anymore. That Chanyeol he knew had changed into a boastful and an asshole person.

Yoongi had asked him out when Chanyeol had rise in fame but only to be rejected embarrassingly with the eyes of everyone else there is to see.

Yoongi's heart clenched at the painful memory he held on to like it's his dear life.

Chanyeol huffed in annoyance but did not utter a single word after that and just up and left. Yoongi sighed in relief and heartache.

He quickly collect his books for his next class and rushed, not wanting to be late for it when he accidently bumped into someone, making some books in his hands scattered on the floor.

Yoongi crouched down and collect the books that he dropped and the other person helped. Yoongi looked up when the other handed over the books and felt his heart skipped a beat.

Jeon Jungkook, his bestfriend's boyfriend. They never had the chance to meet much since both of them have their own works and assignments to do.

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