Nine: Real

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As the girls walked away, [Name] slowly came up from behind the wall. With quite confused expression, she walked up to Oikawa who was waiting for her with his arms still filled with her stuff. As he saw the girl approaching, he turned to her, smiling brightly as if nothing happened just a while ago.

"[Name]-chan, took you so long", he whined playfully. "I was dying of loneliness".

[Name] raised her eyebrow suspiciously, but she didn't mention what she saw and heard a moment ago. She took her bag and phone from Oikawa's hands and put her lost notebook in between her other books. Avoiding the boy's inquiring look, she asked:

"Are we going?"

Oikawa nodded.


As they were walking in silence, [Name] couldn't stop her buzzing with questions mind. Why did Oikawa say that she was his girlfriend? Did he really consider her his girlfriend? No, impossible. Just yesterday he suggested being friends, it would be ridiculous. And why was he behaving as if nothing happened?

"[Name]-chan, is something wrong?", Oikawa's voice woke her up from the reverie.

"Huh?", she looked up at him.

"You quietened. Did something happen at school?", he explained.

"Ah, this...", [Name] moved her eyes on the ground, trying to figure out whether she should tell him about what she heard. Finally, she sighed. "You sure have a lot of fangirls, don't you?"

The boy raised an eyebrow, surprised by the sudden remark.

"It's a funny way to call them", he giggled. "But I guess so", he replied and smirked, moving closer to the girl. "Are you perhaps jealous, [Name]-chan?", he hummed mischieviously.

[Name] looked at him with no trace of embarrassment.

"Not really", she answered straightforwardly.

"Ouch, it hurt", Oikawa commented, grasping his heart dramatically. "You're so brutal, [Name]-chan".

The girl gazed at him blankly.

"I told you that they don't see you for who you really are", she said.

Not that you give them a chance to see your true self, she added in her thoughts.

"Who I really am?", Oikawa asked, surprised by [Name]'s words.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong", the girl explained, "but I think that at least half of your smiles aren't genuine".

The question is, why?

Oikawa seemed even more dumbfounded than before. At the same time, some spark of anxiety and awe appeared inside of him. Suddenly, he recalled Iwaizumi's words from their middle school.

'That's a rare smile, with no ulterior motive'.

He gaped at [Name] in astonishment. Was it possible that she... Could she, just like Iwaizumi, tell that he wasn't completely honest with others? Did she know that what he was showing, wasn't one hundred percent him?

"So you think I'm different than I present myself?", he asked warily.

"Partly", the girl replied. "I don't know why you're doing this, but I think I understand you. It's hard to be yourself without a fear", she said and looked pensively on the ground.

"So who do you think I am?", Oikawa asked after a moment of silence.

"I don't know", [Name] answered honestly. "The only thing I know is that you love volleyball and are desperate to constantly get better. And that Iwaizumi-san is probably the only person who knows your real side".

Oikawa shivered, remembering the phrase his friend was always repeating.

'Shittykawa. Trashykawa. You're an asshole'.

Yeah, his real personality might be a little bit too much for [Name] to take.

"You're amazing, [Name]-chan", he coughed up after a while.

The girl turned his head to him, surprised.

"Why?", she asked.

"To see all of this... You must be really special", he said, but this time more to himself than to her.

The girl felt her cheeks grow slightly red. She moved her eyes on the ground.

"Sorry if I said something offensive", she mumbled under her breath.

Oikawa smiled.

"No. You're probably right. That's why I said you're amazing", he replied. "But you seem to know a lot more about me than I know about you. It's unfair", he pouted.

"I'm not interesting", the girl answered, getting all stiff when Oikawa mentioned her own character.

"I think you are", he insisted. "So, since we're friends, I suggest making a deal".

[Name] raised an eyebrow.

"What kind of a deal?", she asked precauriously.

"I'll show you my true self, while you'll open up to me for real", he said.

The girl clenched her fists. She was afraid of being herself in front of others, but at the same time she wanted to know more about Oikawa. To know why he pretended to be someone else.

"Fine", she replied after a moment of silence. "But first, tell me why did you say I'm your girlfriend".

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