Fifty One: Apologies

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"[Name]...", the words that came from Oikawa's mouth were quiet, almost impossible to hear. They sounded as if his thoughts were being said out loud. Only when the boy assured himself that the distant figure of [Name] was real, his voice became louder. "[Name]!", he called out once again.

The girl seemed to have frozen to the ground. She didn't move nor wince - she was just standing there, gaping at the boy with widely opened eyes. Her heart clenched painfully when she recalled the overheard words.

You won.

She opened her mouth, trying to let out the tiniest sound, but in vain. Instead, her eyes watered and the image before her blurred.

No, she thought to herself, taking a wobbly step back. Don't look at me, don't say anything, don't come any closer. Or else I'll break.

Oikawa took a step forward and extended his hand towards the girl as if trying to stop her.

"Wait, please-", he begged, but [Name] was already turning her back to him and breaking into a run.

The boy immediately followed her down the schoolyard. He wasn't going to let her go once again.

Even though [Name] was a fast runner, Oikawa quickly caught up to her. He grabbed her by the wrist and forcefully stopped from running away. They were standing under the side wall of the school's main building. The lessons have already started so the schoolyard was empty.

The girl, whose face was already a crying mess, was looking aside, trying to hide the tears which were flowing from her eyes uncontrollably. But her shaking body was speaking for itself and Oikawa could easily tell in what state the girl was.

"[Name], I want to explain everything to you", he said, trying to keep his voice from shaking. He was still holding [Name]'s wrist and could feel her fists clenching. Even though, her words were washed of any trace of emotion.

"The lessons have started", she said shortly.

It petrified him. [Name]'s stance resembled her old self - the one who didn't trust others and kept away from any social contact. They could have been standing opposite to each other but at the same time the girl felt extremely distant, as if she was being protected by some invisible shield.

"[Name]-", he murmured, taken aback.

"Let me go", she demanded.

These were the words which woke Oikawa up from his momentary daze.

"No", he replied confidently.

He felt [Name]'s fist loosening up.

"Then be quick", she replied, her poised voice wavering.

"I have made a bet", he started and noticed the girl's body twitching. Even so, he continued. "To show that I can make any girl fall in love with me. Hanamaki chose a random girl for me to pick up and it turned out to be you. I...", he hesitated. "At that time I had never been in love. I had no idea that making someone fall for me and then dumping them would be a big deal. Having had a couple of flings, I thought that I knew everything about how to make a girl fall for me. But you were different", [Name] slowly turned her head towards him. "You weren't my fangirl, you even pretended not to know me. You were not interested in talking to me and brushed me off when I was trying to pick you up. And you were afraid. You were so afraid of trusting me, of getting too close. I didn't even realise when I started to crave for you. I wanted to know more about you and why you rejected everyone. And eventually I fell in love with you. I wanted you in your entirety. And I still do".

[Name] remained silent. She was looking at him, helplessness filling her eyes. He could see that she was running an inner fight about what she should do. Not waiting for her response, he spoke up once again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for lying to you. For hurting you. For letting you down. I don't care about the bet, I stopped caring the moment I started to feel something for you. Please, forgive me", his voice turned into a begging whine.

"You were a total asshole", [Name] suddenly spoke up. Her voice was quiet but it didn't hold a grudge. "Even when I told you about Shizuku you still acted as if nothing happened. I can't believe I fell for your lies".

"[Name]-", Oikawa wailed, but the girl cut him off.

"Still I can't hate you", the boy widened his eyes, hearing these words. [Name] continued. "You taught me to trust others and helped me with making up with Shizuku. You made me happy, even though you also made me heartbroken. I want to, but I can't stop loving you".

"Does it mean that you forgive me?", Oikawa asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes", the girl replied and looked up at him. "Pathetic isn't it?", she asked and smiled lightly seeing Oikawa's disbelieving expression.

"I'm the one who's pathetic", the boy smiled back. "For letting myself become crazy about you this much. Can I kiss you?", he asked suddenly.

The girl felt her cheeks becoming hot.

"Yes", she only managed to reply before feeling Oikawa's warm lips touching hers. She slipped her hands on the boy's firm chest and he cupped her red cheeks. He deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into her mouth. She started moaning quietly in response and tried to keep up with his moves. When Oikawa moved back, both of their faces were flushed, their hearts beating in one rhythm.

They both wished this rhythm would never change.

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