Forty Four: Embarrassing

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[Name] reached the doorbell with a shaking hand. She gulped, hearing the quiet footsteps getting progressively louder. At the same time, her yesterday's conversation started replaying in her mind.

"[Name]-chan, do you want to hang out tomorrow? You're not meeting Shizuku and it'll be Saturday so you won't have to worry about the homework, right?"

"Um, right, but I have a really important exam on Monday, so I was planning to study the whole weekend".

"Come to think of it, I also have a big exam upcoming... Then how about we study together at my place?My family's gone for the weekend trip outside the city so it'll be quiet and peaceful"

And that's how she ended up in this situation - standing in front of Oikawa's front door with a bag of notebooks and sweets. It was her first time visiting a boy and, even though she was used to being with Oikawa, it was stressing her out.

The sound of the door opening brought her back to reality.

"[Name]-chan, come in", the tall, chocolate haired boy appeared in front of her, with a wide smile stuck to his face.

The girl nodded in response and took a step inside the anteroom. After taking off her shoes, she followed Oikawa through the hallway.

"So we're really alone, huh?", she said quietly, but it was loud enough for the boy to hear it.

Still walking, he turned his face to her. A mischievous smirk played on his lips.

"Yup", he replied. "There's nobody to interrupt us".

[Name] felt a wave of heat striking her face. Even though she knew it was just Oikawa's antics, she couldn't help but get embarrassed by his words.

"That's good, since we have lots of work to do", she mumbled under her breath.

Oikawa smiled, amused by her reaction.

He opened the door to a spacious, yet simple room. It had little furniture - a mattress, which served as a bed, a low table with big computer on it, and a couple of shelves with lots of trophies standing on them. A lonely volleyball was lying in the corner. The girl approached one of the shelves to look closely at the trophies.

"You're amazing, Oikawa-san", she said in awe and turned to the boy who was still standing at the door.

"I never got the national one, though. Ushiwaka was always on the way", Oikawa smiled awry.

"But you even got a prize for the best setter, that's incredible", the girl insisted.

"Oh, the one from the middle school? It was my first time getting something like this. I was really happy", Oikawa smiled at the memory. "I remember Iwa-chan saying that it was rare for me to smile without any ulterior motive".

[Name] laughed.

"That's true", she said. "But I find even these fake smiles charming".

Only after saying that, she understood how embarrassing these words were. She quickly turned her back to Oikawa so that he wouldn't see her blush. The boy also felt his cheeks get warm.

"I-I'll go get us something to drink", he announced after a while and left the room.

[Name] sighed in relief and sat by the low table. There was no way she would be able to focus with Oikawa around. Should she have not come? It would have been better for her studying, but her curiousness was even bigger than her will to study.

When Oikawa came back, [Name] was already leaning over a pile of notebooks. She seemed not to have heard him, so he slowly put the drinks on the table and closed up to her. Suddenly, she straightened up and nearly hit Oikawa's nose with hers. She yelped in surprise and quickly backed away.

Oikawa laughed and pointed at the girl's face.

"Look who's blushing again", he teased her.

"Y-You scared me", [Name] pouted. "And it's unfair", she added.

"What?", the boy asked.

"That you almost never blush", she replied.

"Well, you should try harder to make me blush", Oikawa smirked.

"How?", [Name] looked at him questioningly.

Oikawa's smile grew wider as he closed up to her.

"Just do what makes you blush. I'll give you three chances".

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